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                                     Chapter 40

"I have a photographic memory. When I see a jutsu I like all I have to do is memorize the hand signs then figure the rest out on my own." I lean back on my hand again and finally smile to the old man. "It's not too difficult. A fire jutsu once you watch it done the first time requires you to build up and compress your chakra in your lungs or stomach. For example the fire ball jutsu Sasuke likes so much. You build up the chakra in your lungs as you compress and mold it with fire nature chakra then you expel the searing flames from your mouth. Though through trial and error I did figure out that when expelling the flames it's easier to also coat your hand in chakra in order to keep from burning yourself." Silence followed my reveal, all I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest. I didn't exactly lie. I do have a photographic memory though I use it less anymore then I used to. Even without the scrolls I could have picked up on the jutsu I see around me a lot. Just like I did with Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu.


"You have a photographic memory?" Anko speaks up disbelievingly breaking the silence that has fallen within the room.

"That would explain some that I had been told by Iruka over the years." Gramp follows Anko's lead though I couldn't quite tell if he was merely thinking aloud or attempting to keep Anko from yelling at me again.

Sliding off his desk I let my feet touch the floor as I stretch nonchalantly. "Well Gramp. This conversation has been enlightening but can we move on to the real reason why I am here? As I had already stated I have to get back to training." Turning on my toes I face his desk to look in his eyes after I had finished speaking.

He clears his throat as I witness the Jonin in the room smile to one another from the corner of my eye. Gramp remains silent as he sets up straighter in his chair and straightening his shoulders. The relaxed vibe no longer there. Guess it's down to business. "After speaking with you, Kakashi along with your proctors, we have come to a decision." He pauses causing my mouth to go dry as my mind whirls around the possible decisions they could come up with. It was then the old man smiled. "I would like to commend you on all of your hard work and thank you for the insight you willingly gave us. From this day I give you the rank of Chunin." I found my eyes widening and I think my mouth fell open at his words.

"I'm a.. I'm a chunin?" I needlessly ask causing the others to laugh. Shaking my head I try to wrap my mind around the recent development. –I'm a chunin- I silently tell myself as I straighten my shoulders. "Gramp, why am I being made a chunin now when the exams have yet to be completed?"

Gramp stands folding his hands behind his back as he slowly makes his way around his desk towards me. Remaining silent until he stands in front of me. "Kira, you are kind and considerate. Compassionate and strong. We had initially deemed your skills to be that of a genin for your crass and bold decisions. How you would just leap into a fight without concerning yourself with the repercussions of your actions. You would also hide your true skills from even those on your own team keeping them at enough of a distance they could not know what you were truly capable of. As well as your tendency to blow stuff up showing you cared very little for another's property." Of course he would mention that. Guess Gramp is still mad from the time I blew a hole in his office.. "In the first exam you shown yourself to be above the level of all the other genin and were heard when you claimed you have profiled Ibiki and deduced a clear decision of what to expect from him. Just before the second exam I had sent three students to interview you knowing in the past you wouldn't have spared them a second glance and yet. Your words to them were the exact meaning you were to learn once your team made it to the tower. Even giving them advice of how to better themselves. Further proving you have and live by all the qualities of a chunin. The last thing we needed proof of before we could possibly decide your fate. We needed to see that you have grown past encountering situations and relying only upon your instincts. You needed to enact your ability to combine your mind and body as one. Your fight with miss chi proved how much you have grown. Not only using your mind to win but also recognizing her as a comrade instead of letting your anger get the best of you again." Looking down I take in his words as he sets his hand on my shoulder giving me further encouragement. To be honest I hadn't even thought about how my actions may seem in the eyes of others. To me their thoughts didn't matter. And here I thought I was naive and self centered in the death note world. I've been stumbling on the same path I had been even then. Taking in a breath I raise my gaze back to Gramp to meet his kind eyes.

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