Hes back. oh god hes back.

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Tw: implications of sh scars,Abuse, ptsd (?)

Pls tell me if I missed anything! It's most important to me that my readers are safe :)

Tubbo walked up to the podium in lmanburg, today the day before the election. He could admit that he was scared of  wilbur and tommy losing, but he knew that it was most likely they would get the majority vote, I mean who would want a new president anyway? Wilbur was doing just fine. At least that was what he was told.

As he looked down below the podium he saw Tommy's figure slowly approaching from the distance, he couldnt see his face too well yet, but he could tell from his stance that tommy diddnt seem too happy about what he was coming to tell him.

A million thoughts rushed to his head at once, had something happened to wilbur? To one of the other runners? Had something gone wrong?

He was so lost in his thoughts he diddnt notice Tommy was now stood right next to him, trying to grab his attention by waving a hand infront of his face.

"Oh- sorry, I was distracted" he offered a soft smile, which tommy tried to return, but it seemed to look wrong on his face.
"Um- tubbo I thought wilbur told you before but there was a new runner in the election, he joined just a few days ago" why would wilbur keep something from him? To protect him? From what?

Tubbo pushed his thoughts back and managed to get out a response,"Oh-what's their party name? And who's their running mate?"
"Um I think its shlatt2020 an-"

Whatever came out of Tommy's mouth next tubbo diddnt hear, that name- that God forsaken name he haddnt heard in years, it couldnt be him, right? And even if it was he wouldn't recognise him, he had tried so hard to cover up his horns, hide his identity, oh god he begged that he wasnt recognised, if he was- he diddnt want to think about what would happen if he was.

He saw a flash of a child infront of his eyes, young,  too young, cigarette burns all up his arm, accompanied by lines, so many lines. The child was so young, six at most, and he was sat, in the corner of a locked, dark, damp room, crying. It was all he could do.

"Tubbo?" Tommy was waving a hand infront of his face again
"S-orry bl-anked out for a second" tears threatened to fill his eyes, but he diddnt let them, he couldn't show weakness, not infront of tommy.
"Okay bossman, you know you can tell me anything right?"
"Y-eah-" he smiled, or at least he tried to.
"I gotta go now sorry, wilburs gonna be worried, and um, just hope that tommorrow goes well"
"Y-eah, good l-uck" he looked to Tommy, who had a sad expression on his face, he looked like he diddnt want to leave, but he turned and started to walk away anyway, of course he diddnt want to worry Wilbur the night before such a stressful event.

As soon as his freind was out of sight, tubbo ran back to his small little cottage buried deep in the woods, no one knew about it, and he liked it that way.

He practically broke down the door and headed straight for a small cupboard in the corner of the house, it was one rarely touched, it was important stuff.

He opened the small door and saw what he was looking for right infront of him, a small, very dirty bee plush. It was the one freind, the one comfort he had when he was younger, and even though it had so many dark memories attached to it, it still brought him comfort.

He held it close to his chest as he walked into his bedroom, and he still diddnt let go as he lay down on  his bed and started to stare at the wall.

He just needed to process all this. Shlatt was back in his life, and if he was recognised, everything could go back to the way it was. He diddnt want to accept that truth, it couldnt be real, it couldn't.

"I HATE YOU" he screamed, he screamed it to the air but it was directed at shlatt, for everything he had done.

over and over again, for every time he wanted to say it but couldnt, for every time he was silenced, and for coming into his life again when everything couldve been so perfect.

He let the tears flow this time, for the first time in years he let himself cry, he let himself show weakness.

And he cried for hours, he cried until he coulndnt any more, until his eyes were red and puffy and he felt weak.

And it felt good. So good but also so tiring he could barely keep his eyes open any longer, so he slowly let them flutter closed as consciousness slipped from his grasp.


Damn. That kids been through alot. I definitely think my writing was a bit like it used to be here, just flowing on the pages without much thought, and I'm quite proud of it. Next chapter shlatt will actually be here, and oh boy if you think that breakdown was bad.... I have some news for you.

A/n pt2 bcs of edit: yeah um havent changed much but hope it was better lol

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