
486 26 2

Tw: death

please again tell me if there are any more!

"TUBBO?!" techno was holding the small boy by the collar of his shirt, dangling his feet just above the ground.
"I wasnt spying on you-!"


"I wasnt sure how to talk to you! We were best freinds why do you hate me all of a sudden?!"

"Because your shlatts son!" Tommy had calmed down a little, but he was still scared, and upset.

"Family isnt always blood Tommy! Lmanburg is- was my family!"

"Want do you mean was?"

"Shlatts completely changed it! And you and will are exiled- it's not the same, I dont think it ever will be the same" he had a sad look on his face, but the whole effect was kind of ruined scince he was being held up in the air.

"How do we know we can trust you?"

"Im your freind Tommy"

"Your shlatts son"

"I've already said family isnt always blood! He cares for litterally no one why would he care for his son"

"Fine. Techno you can put him down now." He did, and tubbo was glad to finally feel ground below his feet again.

Tommy pulled him into a hug, and he happily hugged him back. Tommy was upset at him, he couldn't really trust him, but tubbo was practically a brother to him, he knew it wasnt worth staying angry at him forever.

As they pulled away from eachother the blonde noticed his freinds hand looked scarred, and not like one little scratch, it was covered in cuts. He pulled his sleeve down to cover it up once he noticed tommys staring.

"What happened to your hand?"

"Nothing I'm fine" he faked a smile, he diddnt want to worry tommy.

"You dont look fine-" he reached for his wrist but he pulled back.

"Trust me tommy, I'm fine!"

"Tubbo what happened? Please tell me, you know we never keep secrets right? You promised" his smile dropped, he remembered that day so vividly in his mind, when him and Tommy were sat in a small clearing making up rules for their freindship.

"It was shlatt" he looked to the floor, and he could feel everyones eyes on him.


"He was upset that I'd left, so he um- hurt me like he used to- I'm used to it, theres nothing you  can do, dont be worried" he looked up and smiled sadly

"Oh- I'm sorry..."

"Dont be"

After that wild reunion tubbo sat around the campfire with them, and they talked a bit about what was happening in lmanburg, or what was now called manburg. Tubbo told them what he was actually sent to look for them for, and they were honestly not that suprised, I mean they were talking about shlatt.

They also came up with a plan that tubbo would spy on manburg for them, which he was a bit reluctant to do as shlatt could easily find out, and he wasnt ready for the consequences of that, but they convinced him it was fine.

So at roughly midnight, he set off. Killing a pig on the way to get the knife in his pocket bloody, he felt bad, the pig looked so sweet. At least it wasnt as bad as killing a human.

So...we all know what happens in cannon...

Also, while writing this I noticed what could be a plot hole, the fact that tubbo knew tommy in his childhood but tommy never met his dad. Well when they were little tubbo lived in a village  surrounded by woodland, and tommy lived in a small house in that forest, they met in the woods occasionally but never told anyone of their freindship until tubbo had to run from shlatt, and he moved in with tommy as that was his only option.

𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 - 𝖙𝖚𝖇𝖇𝖔 ANGSTWhere stories live. Discover now