no. i cant be free.

496 28 9

Tw: scars

Please tell me if there are any more!

He opened his eyes and saw he was in yet another small room, but it couldn't be to do with shlatt, this room had a decent bed, a window, and even a small table in the corner, the door was still locked, but tubbo knew his father would never be this nice.

He crawled to the corner of the bed, staring at the door, simply waiting for someone to enter. He eventually zoned out for god knows how long, but by the time he was down to earth again the light from outside had disappeared.

He could hear a key in the door, and he was trying to push himself further into the corner, he diddnt know who was on the other side of that wall, but he was scared of them.

The door swung open, and a tall brunette female was on the other side, she looked like she had trained in the army, it couldve been how buff she looked, or the actual army uniform she had on.

"Hello, tubbo." Her voice was scary, he diddnt like it.

"What do you want?" He tried to sound as if he wasnt scared, but he failed miserably.

"We want to make shlatt pay for the shit hes done over the years. How better to do that than to torture his son" she smirked with confidence, and he tried to hold back laughter, but it was almost impossible, and he found himself giggling uncontrollably, and her smile dropped.


"You wouldnt be able to torture me as well as he did, he doesent give two shits about me, you could strip my skin off and hed still think you were weak" her face morphed into one of slight concern, but it was obvious she was trying to hide it.

"Oh. Who does he care about then?"

"No one, I mean he might care for his position of power but I dont think it's possible to get rid of that right now" she gave him a silent look of sympathy, and opened the door, gesturing for him to leave, which he honestly wasnt expecting.

She walked him through a maze of corridors, and they diddnt encounter anyone until they were right at the door, it was a man in the same uniform.

"What are you doing? Are you just letting him leave?"

"Yes, turns out we dont have as much of an advantage as we thought"

"What do you mean?"

She gestured towards him, silently asking for him to explain.

"Shlatt doesn't care about me, he cares for litterally no one-"

"How do we know your not lying to us?"

Tubbo pulled his sleeve up and showed him the scar he had obtained a few days ago, it still looked fresh.

"Because if my father cared, he wouldnt have given me this scar would he?"

The man looked shocked, but he stepped aside anyway, allowing tubbo to walk out the door, the woman not following.

Why did he keep getting himself trapped? Why couldnt he just be free permanently? Why did the world have to be so cruel?

All questions he knew would be forever unanswered, but he still thought about them over and over in his head as he began to search through the forest once more, this time in darkness.

A normal person would be afraid of the creatures of the night, but tubbo wasn't, if he was killed that would mean a permanent solution to his pain. He diddnt want to die, but if he did he wouldnt be mad about it, I mean a dead person cant really feel emotions anyway.

He walked for a while, until he saw a light in the distance, either a campfire or a torch, either way it meant life, and that most likely meant tommy and wilbur.

He approached slowly, careful not to make any noise, and once he was close enough, hidden behind a tree, he saw exactly who he was expecting, tommy and wilbur. There was one thing that caught him off guard though, technoblade was there. The warrior in all his childhood books, teaming with his freinds? However they had managed to contact him diddnt matter right now, what mattered was tubbo talking to them.

They were sat outside of a door in a hill, the three of them sat around a small poorly put together campfire. Tubbo could barely hear their conversation, but it sounded joyful, something he so dearly missed.

The chatter stopped suddenly, as techno ushered them to be quiet and unsheathed his sword. He was walking straight towards where tubbo was hiding.

He couldnt move. If he did he would be spotted, so he stood still as the man drew ever closer.


I wanted to write more for this, but I couldnt find a good way to continue it so u get that next chapter! I'm really proud of this tho :)

𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 - 𝖙𝖚𝖇𝖇𝖔 ANGSTWhere stories live. Discover now