am i free? or is the world now my cage

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Tw: not entirely sure, please tell me if there are any!

Tubbo walked over to the corner of the room, starting to look through more boxes,  he had been here for a few days now and he was starting to get used to it. Shlatt never talked to him, and it was honestly quite peaceful.

He diddnt find anything, just more empty boxes. He started to turn behind him, ready to walk back to the centre of the room to just simply sit and wait some more, but he felt a presence behind him, and he immidietly knew who it was.

"What do you want?" He tried to calm himself, an angry tone never went well with his father, but his words flowed out with pure venom behind them.

"I want you to find tommy and wilbur. And I want you to get rid of them." He froze. No. He couldnt- kill  his two closest freinds, but did he have a choice?

"If I'm free." He knew he was pushing it, but frankly, he hardly cared anymore, what was pain anyway?

"Fine." He was genuinely taken aback, shlatt was never this nice, but I mean he wasnt complaining.

He turned, and saw shlatts face for a brief second, but he turned away and started to walk up the steps to the main house.

There were alot of windows, so he was immidietly hit with bright daylight, his eyes burned after being in darkness for so long, but he refused to stay in the house any longer, so he just stared at the floor and walked outside, breathing in as much fresh air as he could.

He knew he couldn't stay near that house, he couldnt be near shlatt any longer, he looked up from the ground and saw the forest was right infront of him, so he headed in that direction, it was the most  logical place for tommy and wilbur to be hiding.

He wasnt actually going to kill them, he would obviously lie to his father about that. He honestly just wanted to make sure his freinds were okay, or at least that they were alive.

Soon he found himself surrounded by trees, and he finnaly felt truly free again, he was taken back to his childhood, running around the trees with a twig in hand chasing tommy around, not a care in the world. He missed those times. Before she got lost forever, before shlatt was so dangerous, when they were just a happy family.

He was brought back to reality when he heard a twig snapping not to far from where he was standing, he could feel at least three pairs of eyes on him.

"Who's there?" No reply, not surprising.

He felt unsafe, he diddnt want to be here anymore. He turned to leave but before hed even taken one step he felt something pierce his skin, and everything faded to black.



Welp 👏 that wasnt supposed to turn out like that, but the idea came to my head and this chapter was the result! Sorry its shorter, but I'll try to make a longer one to make up for it!

𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 - 𝖙𝖚𝖇𝖇𝖔 ANGSTWhere stories live. Discover now