i dont wanna go back...

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(You already know what I'm gonna say- this probrably has no triggers but comment here if there is)

"Tubbo you know you have to! If shlatt comes looking for you hell find us aswell!" They were still in the small meeting room, but now they were all stood up, and the atmosphere had completely changed.

"I know but I cant! I cant go back there- he'll hurt me!"

"I'm sorry. But you have to." Tommy placed a hand on his freinds shoulder, offering him a sad smile.

"Fuck you" 

He stormed out, wiping tears from his face. He heard tommy shouting from behind him, but he diddnt listen. Everyone seemed to love betraying him recently, all the people he cared for the most were the ones getting him hurt more.

He diddnt care for Tommy's excuse, he had forced him back to the one person he hated most, there was no redeeming that.

He was outside again. He could leave if he wanted. But as tommy had said, shlatt would hunt him down, he wouldnt be safe for long. It would do more harm than good.

So he headed for the mansion.

With a pair of eyes watching him from the bushes.

It was a short walk, he was there soon enough. He hesitated knocking on the door again. This was the final choice that decided wether he got freedom or not.

No. There wasnt freedom anymore. This was just a fucking wooden door, it wasnt that significant.

He knocked, shlatt answered the door. He looked pissed. Like really pissed.

"How the fuck did you get out tubbo?"

"You let me leave." Shlatt chuckled, but his face went dead serious again just mere moments later

"Funny. Now tell me what really happened."

"You were drunk, you were disorientated, you opened the door, and I ran out." Shaltt scowled, and pulled tubbo inside by the collar of his shirt.

"Dont you ever fucking leave again"

He pulled tubbo further into the house, and down an all to familiar set of stairs. Down the corridor, turn a corner, enter the room, hear the door lock.

It was all normal, he'd memorized it years ago. He sat in the corner of the room, where he always sat, and he waited.

And waited.

And waited.

It had been two fucking weeks.

Shlatt never left him for this long. He was hurting him on purpose, either that or he was dead. Tubbo preferred the second possibility.

He had managed to survive so far off of fucking flies that came through the window, which kind of luckily there were alot of, but it was barely nutrition, and he knew he was dying.

Two weeks is too long. Shlatt had to be trying to kill him. And it was working, slowly and painfully, it was working.

He could hardly stand anymore, he used to pace the room but that was too much of a challenge now. He knew he only had a few days left. There was no point in thinking otherwise.

He lay there, staring at the ceiling, and with a loud bang, the door finally opened.

Tubbo turned his head, and saw shlatt with his stupid suit and smile. Arms spread wide, he looked to be quite happy about something.


Shlatt walked fully into the room, closing the door behind him. Tubbo forced himself to sit up, he wanted to crawl into the corner but he knew he was too weak.

"Oh, tubbo it's so great to see you again! I've missed you!" He smiled down at him, and he scowled back. He was so fucking happy with himself.

Shlatt leant down, placing his hand underneath tubbos chin, lifting it up and forcing him into eye contact.  He tried to pull away but shlatts grip tightened.

"There is a festival today. You're going to decorate it. Streamers, party games, whatever. Just make it look nice okay?"

"I can barely move. You left me here for two fucking weeks. You can force me to decorate it but I need food. That's all I want."

"Fine." He grabbed tubbos wrist and pulled him up, dragging him out the room and all the way up the stairs.

They ended up in the kitchen, and tubbo was struggling to stand up still. He was putting all his weight on his father, who looked a whole lot more upset than he did a few minutes ago.

"So what do you want?"

"I- I dont know-"

"What do you mean? You made me drag you here for nothing?"

"No! I just-" he paused, and tok a deep breath"can I just make myself a sandwich?"

"Sure." Shlatt pushed him further into the kitchen, and he had  to lean on one of the counters for support.

He still stood up, and started to make himself a sandwich, he never knew such a fucking simple task could be so hard. Everything hurt. His eyes were struggling to stay open. But he still kept on while Shlatt was watching him like a hawk.

Five minutes later, he was sat at the end of a ridiculously long oak table, eating a ham sandwich. His father finnaly left him alone.

It wasnt much, but it was real food, and it was probrably the best sandwich hed ever tasted. He tried to savour every bite but just as quickly as it was made, it was gone. His stomach rumbled but he wasnt about to risk asking more of shlatt.

So he forced himself up, and walked out the room, where that stupid man in a suit was waiting for him.


Half of this was written before I binged money heist and the other half after- there was a slight change in my writing but not much. I hope you enjoye this longer chapter tho, I really liked writing it :D

𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 - 𝖙𝖚𝖇𝖇𝖔 ANGSTWhere stories live. Discover now