back. again.

438 21 15

Pls tell me if there are any triggers for this chapter!

Tubbo continued to scream as he was dragged back to shlatts mansion, he was screaming at the world, at niki, mostly at Niki, he thought he could tust her, he did trust her.

The guard looked down to him with an annoyed look on his face, tubbo couldnt even see it that well but he was clearly very annoyed.

He continued to scream out of spite, which was obviously a bad decision as the next thing he knew a hard object hit his head and everything had gone black.

He awoke, back at his old home, but not in his childhood room.

He was in the room. The room that he hated the most.

He was surrounded by concrete walls. He felt so trapped. He needed to get out of here. He couldnt be here. Not again.

It suddenly hit him that he was actually here. He was stuck. Oh God shlatt was gonna hurt him again. No. Please. No no no no no no NO. PLEASE.

He curled into a ball in the corner, his body now shaking, he closed his eyes and imagined that he was at home, in lmanburg, tommy would come rushing in any time now and comfort him. Niki would come rushing in after him with a cake in hand.


He hated niki.

He wanted her to burn.

He wanted her to go through everything shlatt had put him through.

He had trusted her. She was his freind. She had betrayed him.

He hated thinking about her, so he started to think about the feild he used to play in as a kid, how he used to run through the tall grass with tommy behind him. That was fun.

He also remembered one of his favourite times, when an enderman had teleported in the middle of the feild, it wasnt a normal enderman, half of it was strange. Tubbo couldnt remember him that well but he rememberd he was nice.

He only had a few nice memories of his childhood, he only really had one until he was five. Thats when she left.

He hated that his mind kept going back to those negative thoughts. He just wanted to be happy. Even if it was a fake kind of happy, he would still rather pretend than just be sad all the time.

He heard the door slam open.

He looked up, and saw shlatts face. He diddnt look angry for once, but he diddnt look sober either.

He diddnt make eye contact. He stared right above tubbos head. He had a small smile on his face, barely noticable.

"Sh-shlatt?" He finnaly made eye contact, and tubbo flinched, but diddnt look away. His father looked sad. He had never seen him look sad. He never showed emotion infront of people.

"I loved you tubbo, I did. I-I dont know what happened to me- after she left I diddnt know what to do and- and-" he looked away, now seemingly more interested in a certain spot on the wall.

"I'm sorry. You deserved such a better life. I've fucked it up for you. It was my fault. Everything. Do you know why she left?" He turned back, and tubbo shook his head, for once not out if fear of his father, but in intrigue as to what he was about to say.

"It was because she was scared of me. Of who I was becoming. She said I was a monster, and she was right, but I was so blinded by the thought of power I believed she was the crazy one, that she was the one in the wrong, so I kicked her to the curb. It was all my fault. Everything. You were five."

Tubbo had never seen his father like this, and he felt sorrow for him. It was clear at least some part of him regretted his past desicions.

He longed for shlatt to be like this more often, more human, more open. He wished that shlatt would stay like this forever, that he wouldnt wake up tommorrow back to his normal scary self.

"I'm sorry. Two words cant fix the damage I've caused but I'm sorry, truly I am."

And then tubbo did something he thought he would never do, he walked up to shlatt, and he hugged him.

And he stayed like that, just holding him, like they were a normal family, like everything was ok.

And it felt like it was. For those few minutes everything felt peaceful, there was no noise, it was just them, together.

He diddnt miss this, he couldnt, he had never experienced this before. Yes wilbur was a father figure but he wasnt a dad. He wasnt someone he could go to when he was scared or upset, he was just wilbur.

Shlatt was his real dad. And he wished that he loved him like this all the time.

But he knew that he diddnt. And he wouldnt ever again.


So I got a really emotional idea for this chapter and wrote it, I really like this. Most people would write shlatts character as a drunk and disorderly evil villain, but I like him alot more as a broken man, a man that has made alot of mistakes in his life, to many to fix. He turns to alcohol as a way to escape, and then his drunk side comes out, and we get a look at his mind. He is sorry, he doesent know it when hes sober but he is, he regrets it all, and I feel like showing that side as its important to remind you, the readers, that this guy Is still human. I dont want to write a character that can only show negative emotion, it's just not realistic. Yes he may put up a facade that hes ok, that he just cares about money and power, but deep inside he broken, and the cracks are getting bigger by the day. Originally this was supposed to be more angst, but I like going a bit outside the box. I really like this chapter, and I hope you do too :)


I dont know if anyone reads my stories anymore but I just wanted to add, you can interpret this any way you want. U can see from my original a/n my intentions with this were positive, but looking at the comments it seems no one agrees (which is fair) so yeah just interpret this how u want, if u wanna see it as fake u can,  if u wanna have the same veiw I originally did u can, or anything else, it's all up to u :)

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