talking, talking, and more talking

402 22 1

(I know this is annoying but tell me if there are any triggers for this chapter please ok bye)

Tubbo watched as shlatt stood at the entrance of the room, he seemed to be staring into nothingness, he wasnt sure why he wasnt moving.


"Leave. I dont want to hurt you any-" he paused- his face scrunched up, he seemed in pain.

"Sorry- my head- I think I had a bit too- to much. Just- go" he pointed out the door, and tubbo sprinted towards it.

He diddnt stop running as he made his way out the house, and towards the nearby forest.

He was going to find tommy and will again, he knew he was safe with them.

Was he?

He had trusted nikki. He stopped running. What if they were like her? What if they- no. No they wouldn't. He was being irrational.

He started to walk forward, he hoped that he was right.

Soon he found himself deep in the forest again, he could still somehow remember the way to pogtopia, which by the way was the stupidest name hed ever heard, but it made Tommy happy.

He saw the small hill with the door infront of him, he smiled at it, at seeing tommy again, and at Tommy's building skills, he could hardly made a door right. Half the planks were facing the wrong way, some nails were sticking out or bent backwards, it was a miracle that this door even opened.

But it did, and with a loud creak, he entered.

It was just a small room, with a bed in one corner, a crafting table in another, and somehow and enderchest next to that. Tommy and wilbur were nowhere to be seen.

He walked in further, and spotted a steep staircase leading down, it looked poorly dug out, so he knew he was going the right way.

He followed it down as it spiraled deeper and deeper into the earth, and just as he was thinking he was going to be stuch there forever, it opened to a large ravine.

It was beautiful, lanterns hanging from the ceiling, spruce bridges leading from all directions, there were also small patches of greenery every so often, and it was truly breathtaking.

He walked forward, onto one of the bridges. It was pretty sturdy, so he continued forward.

He started walking around the ravine, looking for any sign of life. He couldnt find anyone, but it was still a nice place to just explore.

He stepped on another bridge, and imiidietley froze when he felt a crossbow being pointed at his head. He raised his hands.

"Tommy might trust you. But I dont. You look just like your father." An extremely gruff and monotone voice spoke from behind him.

"I actually came here to give you guys info about manburg. But I still have connections with shlatt. It wouldnt be hard to rat you out. So are you gonna be a bitch, or take that crossbow away?"

"Fine" he grumbled, pulling the weapon away.

Tubbo turned, and made immediate eye contact with technoblade. No one spoke. The scilence was deafening.

A loud jumble of screaming from below ended that scilence, they both knew who was making such a racket immidietly.

"Tommy!" He ran to the nearest staircase downwards and towards his closest freind, tackling him to the ground in a hug when he got to him.

"Woah woah you good?" Tommy chuckled as he stood up and brushed himself off.

"Yeah I just missed you is all" he smiled and stood up aswell

"You missed me that much? It's only been a couple days"

"Its been a crazy few days"


"Pretty much" tommy nodded to show he understood, and gestured towards a small room tubbo haddnt noticed before, from where he was he could see a table and four chairs inside.

He walked in first, and the others followed. They all took a seat, and then it was silent.

Scilence seemed to be common now. Nothing to say. Nothing exciting happening in anyones life. Everything was kind of dull.

Wilbur cleared his throat, breaking the scilence

"So, tubbo, you got any info?"

He diddnt have much, but he told them what he did have.

They were all blissfully unaware of how badly theyd just fucked up.

Shlatt had eyes everywhere after all

Stories getting spicy again


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