run boy run

442 23 10

Please tell me if there are any triggers!

Thick branches hit his face as he ran through the forest, all he could see was flashes of green and brown in front of him, and all he could think about was getting as far away from shlatt as possible.

He could see a clearing coming closer, and he pulled all the strength he had left in him to just push himself forward, and then he was there, and he collapsed on the ground.

He lied there for a while, staring at the sky, until he heard footsteps approaching him, and he inched away in instinct, it couldve been one of shlatts guards, they could be taking him back-

He started to try and stand up, but he couldnt, he couldnt even push himself upright, he was so weak, he might aswell just give up already.

"Tubbo-?"  Niki. He could always trust her.
"Niki..." he felt her arms wrap around him and he was engulfed in the smell of fresh bread and baked goods.
"What happened to you?"
"Shlatt. You-you cant let me go back there-" he couldnt see her face, but he knew she was concerned.
"I wont, dont worry"

She pulled him closer, and they stayed like that for a while, in comfortable scilence, like everything was fine, like the world wasnt a cruel fucked up place.

"Let's get back to my bakery, I can help you clean up a bit yeah?"
"Yeah- I dont think I can stand up-"
"Oh" she stood herself up, before quickly picking up tubbo bridal style, which made him giggle, it felt quite stupid being carried like that.

Niki smiled, it was a sweet yet sad smile.

She made sure to get back as quickly as possible while still staying hidden, which was difficult but they made it, and soon enough tubbo found himself lying on a kitchen countertop.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep again, he was too worn out to stay awake any longer.

Once he woke up again he was in a bed, he was gussing in nikis house. It was the first time in a while he had woken up somewhere nice, somewhere comforting.

He was glad to see there were no mirrors in the room, and the curtains were closed, presumably to keep him safe from whoever was working for shlatt.

He  tried to sit up, and happily found that he now could.

The door started to creak open, and he backed away out of instinct, but he calmed down slightly when he saw Nikis comforting face.

She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, they smiled at eachother and sat in scilence for a minute, until nikki spoke up.

"Tubbo do you mind if I ask a personal question?" He knew the answer immidietly, he didn't care anymore, but he wasnt sure if he really wanted to talk about it.

"It depends, what is it?"

"What did shlatt exactly do?" Ok he wasnt expecting that- it wasnt un answerable though

"It was alot of things, but I dont think the specifics matter so much, what matters is that I'm safe now right?" He knew he was safe. He did.

"Yeah- safe." She sounded unsure, it worried him

"You dont sound sure, this is safe right? You wouldnt let me go back there would you?"

"How can I trust your story? Your one of the closest people to shlatt, why wouldnt he use you as a spy?"

"Niki I would never- please I cant go back there-"

"I cant trust you. I'm sorry."

Any kindness Niki once showed was now gone, her face was completely monotone as she dragged tubbo out of her house kicking and screaming.

She had tought him how to act when he was younger.

This was all an act.

At least that what she told herself as she dragged him all the way back to manburg, by the end of it her hand were severely scratched up from tubbos attempt to free himself from her iron grip.

She diddnt know what over came her, but she handed him over to one of shlatts guards and left, he of course tried to run as soon as he could, but against that man he was no match.

She diddnt want to see his face again. He diddnt want to see hers.


What in gods name over came me to write this-
I feel like its realistic though, niki hates shlatt for many reasons, so she of course would hate his son, her mind was telling her every reason as to why what she was doing was right, tubbo wasnt tubbo to her during that, he was an evil man pretending to be a weak child, but oh how wrong she was.

𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 - 𝖙𝖚𝖇𝖇𝖔 ANGSTWhere stories live. Discover now