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Getting your face blown off hurt. Like really hurt.

That was the one thing tubbo had learnt from that festival. There was still a deafening ringing in his ears, but his face diddnt hurt anymore.

He diddnt even realise he was gaining consciousness again until he heard shouting from nearby, one voice sounded like Tommy's and the other was one he hardly recognised- but a part of him did.

He opened his eyes, and all he saw was rock. Just a ceiling made of rock. was he in a ravine? How on earth had he gotten in a ravine?

As his thoughts became more coherent he became aware that there was something on his face, partly blocking his vision. It felt wrong. He reached his hand up and felt...bandages? Why bandages?

Oh yeah. He got blown up by fireworks.

Was he dead?

No. He could hear Tommy's voice, and tommy wanst in the afterlife as far as he knew, so that meant he was alive. He recognised the other voice now, it was technos.

Tubbo started to listen in on what they were actually saying, knowing it would probrably be about him.

"He could be dead right now and your asking me to calm down?!" Tommy shouted, and he sounded really annoyed- or angry- upset?

"He isnt dead tommy!"

"How do you know that?"

"He isnt dead, okay? Look I'm sorry but I was peer pressured-"

"Stop with that stupid excuse! You still shot the firework at him!"

Tubbo diddnt want to listen to them anymore, it was stupid bickering, he needed to stop them before they hurt eachother.

He pushed himself up and swung his feet of the bed. It was hard to see what he was doing with only one eye but he could manage it. He put one foot on the ground, then the other, and then he pushed his body off the bed completely.

He wobbled a bit, but he had stood himself up. Great. Now he just had to walk to the scource of the sound. He looked up and saw a doorway infront of him, and the shouting sounded like it was coming from there.

He took one step, then another, then another, and he got his rhythm back easily. In just a few seconds he was at the door, and this time he diddnt even need to knock.

He turned the handle, and walked in. Scilence fell over everyone immidietly. It was like he'd frozen time.

"Tubbo you need to get back to bed your still recovering-"

"I'm fine tommy. I just wanted to stop you from fighting before you hurt eachother. Theres been enough people getting hurt today- or yesterday- whenever the festival was"

"You heard us?" Tommy looked worried

"You thought I diddnt? You were screaming so loud people at the surface could probrably hear you"

Tommy turned to Wilbur with a scared look on his face, "they diddnt hear us though right?"

"Even if you could hear us from up there no one would be there anyway" wilbur put his hand on his brothers shoulder, but he shrugged it off. Why would tommy shrug it off? He had always liked wilbur?

"I-Im gonna go" tubbo smiled awkwardly and ran out the room, catching his breath as he sat back down on the small bed hed woken up on.

What on earth had he missed? Tommy had given wilbur such a dirty look, but they were brothers, they had always liked eachother. I mean yes they would sometimes they would say they hated eachother as a joke but that was all it was, a joke.

He stared at the ground below him. How had everything gone so wrong? Just a few weeks ago they were celebrating the war being won, and now they were in a ravine, fighting, and tubbos face was half burnt off.

For once a question that was easily answered. It was shlatt. That was why it all went wrong. Without him lmanburg would be happy, and free, and no one would be scared that they could get dragged out their own house at any moment.

And then it clicked.

He stood up abruptly, he had finnaly found the answer. He finnaly had something he could do.

They had to kill shlatt.


Hey! This a/n is the only one written after the publishing of this story, and that is because the original was written with the intent that this would be one of the last chapters and it felt weird since it's technically the last chapter now...yeah

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