hes here. right there.

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Tw: trauma responses ???

Again please tell me of any more triggers you think should be added!

Tubbo opened his eyes and smiled, excited for the day ahead, until he turned to the right and saw a small bee plush beside him, and everything came flooding back, his smile dropped.

Oh fuck.

He was gonna have to see Shlatt again.

he hurriedly grabbed his watch from his bedside table and checked the time, seeing he had to be in l'manburg in ten minutes. he wasn't ready for this, he didn't want to go, he just wanted to crawl back into his bed and stay there, but he knew if he tried Tommy would just come and drag him to the election himself, so Tubbo had no options.

he pulled himself out of bed and opened his closet, seeing the pristine suit and tie he had gotten specifically made a week ago. he reluctantly pulled his clothes from yesterday off and replaced them with the suit, he also grabbed his wristwatch and strapped it around his wrist, checking the time again he now saw he had five minutes.

he took a quick glance in the mirror to make sure he looked presentable, and for a split second, he saw his father's face looking back at him.


he wasn't like shlatt, he would never be like shlatt.

he looked away and ran out the front door, not stopping running as he made his way through the woods to l'manburg, at this rate he was already late, but he still wanted to get there sooner rather than later.

the tall podium came into view, and he saw all the runners for the election getting into the right positions on stage. his eyes scanned across and then, sure enough, Shlatt stood there, with his evil grin and clean suit. Tubbo stopped himself looking any longer, as to avoid being noticed by his father, and also because it was hard to comprehend that he was right fucking there.

he quickly took his seat, which was reserved for him in the front row as per Tommy's request, and almost immediately Wilbur cleared his throat to start speaking.

he went through each party's votes in order, starting with the lowest, going to the highest, and Tubbos anxiety grew more and more each time someone was announced, even when a joke or a laugh was thrown in he stayed dead silent.

eventually, it was announced that pog2020 won, and Tubbo almost celebrated, almost. until  he saw that evil smirk on shlatt's face and he knew something was up, he had done something.

"everyone please! calm down! you didn't let me finish" Wilbur's panicked voice rang out through the speakers, and everyone was suddenly dead silent

"Before the election, the parties shlatt2020 and swag2020 vowed to pool their votes no matter what, and so that means that shlatt2020 has won with 46% of the vote..." Wilbur sighed and started to walk off the stage, with Tommy following, protesting the whole time.

oh god. shlatt was back. and he was fucking president.

"well. that was pretty easy." his voice booming around the speakers sent shivers down tubbos spine,he hated that voice, everything he heard that voice say.

"My first decree, as the president of this country, as the EMPEROR of this great nation! Is to REVOKE the citizenship of wilbursoot and tommyinnit!"

You fucking what?

No. He couldn't do that. But he could, he was president now, he could do whatever he wanted.

Tubbo could only watch as his two closest freinds fled from the very country they built up from the ground. He saw them stop around a corner to watch what was happening, but he diddnt mention it to anyone, he just turned back to face the podium.

"Now, would my son be so kind as to join me on stage?" Oh god. How did he know. How did he know. What could tubbo do? He couldnt just go up there, shlatt was known for being evil, well known. If anyone found out they'd never talk to him again.

"I know your in the crowd, just come join me" everyone was looking around to see who would stand up, they were all wondering what citizen of such a nice country could be the son of such an evil man.

There was nothing he could do, he was stuck, so he just stood up, he heard a few gasps, a few whispers, something he would most likely have to get used to.

Shlatts grin grew wide, and tubbo knew it was fake, shlatt was upset, very upset, he knew that. He wouldnt just be fine after his son disappeared for seven years.

He reached the top of the podium, and shlatt pulled him into a sideways hug, lifting up the other arm in some show of pride.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my son, and new right hand man!"

Alot of this isnt canon, but it's for plot purposes, I made it so that tommy and will werent chased out so the attention wasnt taken from the main part of the story. also I watched the speech from tubbos pov so i could get the wording right, but I diddnt like the way they were wording it, so I changed it up a bit.

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