
433 24 4

Tw: explosions (?), pain

Tubbo breathed a sigh of relief as he hung the final streamer up, manburg actually looked quite nice now it was all decorated.

It was covered in colour, and he could just imagine how nice it would look in the evening, when it was full of cheery citizens having the time of their life. Tubbo wouldnt be one of those people, but he at least would get to watch.

He walked to behind the podium, where shlatt was talking with some random people probrably helping him coordinate the event. They were all in suits, and they all had the same evil look shlatt had, which diddnt really make sense scince they were planning a festival.

Tubbo brushed it off as nothing, it wasnt worth dwelling on. He approached the group with a fake smile on his face and tapped his father on his shoulder, and he turned around.

"Tubbo! You finished the decorations?"

"Yep, you can come look if you like"

"Nah I know you've done a great job," he pulled a peice of paper from his pocket ,"now I need you to memories this speech by tonight" he handed it to him, and tubbo scanned through it, some random crap about cabbages, seemed like the kind of stuff shlatt would write.

He wasnt told he would be making a speech today, but it wasnt like he could say no, so he nodded and walked off to find a nice spot to read the same page for the next couple hours.

He found a quiet spot on a hill, and he started to read.

By the time he knew everything off by heart the sun was setting, and he suddenly realised the festival was going to begin soon, he could be late.

Shlatt was going to kill him if he wasnt there within five minutes, but the problem was he was about a twenty minute walk from manburg.

He diddnt even think as he started to run faster than he knew possible,  on the way he took about ten shortcuts(all of which were extremely dangerous), the adreneline took over and before he knew it he was at manburg, with about ten seconds to spare.

He was red in the face, struggling to breathe, but hed made it. Shlatt welcomed him with a warm smile, which of course was a facade for the citizens.

"Tubbo you can go wait behind stage alright? Your speech is about half way through." He nodded his head, and walked off, his paper clutched tightly in his fist. He now had even more time to revise his lines, which made him feel alot less stressed.

He turned and walked behind the podium, and was happy to see he was the only one there. He sat on the dead grass below him and pulled out his paper, which he already knew off by heart but he had time to waste so why not.

After about ten minutes he was already bored. Shlatt haddnt told him exactly how much time he had to wait here, so he had no idea wether he had an hour left or five minutes.

He sighed, staring at the ground infront of him, the grass was all dead scince this giant podium was blocking the sunlight. The grass had been so green when lmanburg was first created, that was why they chose to set it up here.

He missed old lmanburg times, sitting around a campfire with wilbur and tommy making up the most random stories. Everything was so simple then.

He felt a tear roll down his check and he quickly wiped it away, shlatts voice in his head telling him you cant show weakness.

He diddnt have a watch, but he guessed hed been here for about twenty minutes now, which meant he might have to do his speech soon. He grabbed his now crumpled paper and read through it one more time.

It was probrably the weirdest speech hed heard in his life, but as we know by now, there was no way he wasnt going to read it, and it was worth not getting hurt by shlatt again by just going with it.

He looked up from his paper to see one of the guys from earlier stood infront of him.

"Its time to do your speech." He nodded his head and stood up, brushing off his suit and starting to follow the man onto the stage.

The crowd was a bit bigger than he expected, he could feel his pulse raising and his breaths getting shorter, he knew he should just get this over as soon as possible.

He walked over to the mic, cleared his throat, and began. And he said it all perfectly. He sighed in relief as he read the last word, starting to walk off stage as people clapped.

But shlatt stopped him.

"Tubbo great speech! I loved it, I really did. But there just one problem" shlatts voice boomed around them, the abscense of other sounds made the atmosphere tense.

"Wh-what would that be shlatt?" His father said nothing, but he was silently building a yellow box around tubbo. This wasnt good.

"Shlatt?" He paused his building, turning to look his son right in the eyes.

"Do you know what happens to traitors tubbo?" He paused, letting the realisation set in,

"Nothing good."

Tubbo took a shaky breath in, tears threatened to flow down his face but he wouldnt let them. Not now. Everything would be fine right? Right?

"Techno!" Shlatt turned to face the crowd, a large smile now on his face. Tubbo scanned through the crowd, all he saw was scared faces, people unsure of what was about to happen.

"Techno I know you're here tonight come up here!" Tubbo still watched intently to see if techno would appear from the mess of people.

He saw him. That piglin hybrid dressed in the most ridiculous clothing for a reason no one knew of. He walked with such confidence, even in moments like these he wa still able to hold himself together. Tubbo envied that.

He held his breath as the tall man made his way toward the podium, he could now see the same crossbow that had been pointed at him when he visited pogtopia last slung over the piglins shoulder.

And at that moment he knew, that would be the weapon that could kill him tonight.

"What do you need shlatt?" That monotonous voice was now coming from right next to him, but he couldnt see the scource of it as it was blocked by the yellow bricks.

"I want you to take tubbo out." His voice was deep, scary. He could hear the entire crowd take a collective breath.


"Do it techno. Or do you want to betray this country too?"

Tubbo heard a sigh, and then techno was in his veiw, with a crossbow pointed right between his eyes.

It was loaded with fireworks. Those were suppossed to be for celebrations, for fun.

"I'm sorry." He whispered underneath his breath, shlatt didn't seem to hear it.

"I understand techno, dont feel bad. If I survive this I'll never be upset at you I promise"

He offered a sad smile, and placed his finger on the trigger. One move and it would all be over, one singular simple move could end his whole life, and it wanst even his own to make.

His finger moved slightly, he was being hesitant. He diddnt want to do it, but he had to.



Louder, louder,Louder,LOUDER


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