Is it healthy to judge?

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Observing is one of the skills that human beings possess to control the present situation, analysing is the next step after observing what is around, and judging is that optional action. Why optional? Because it is not always necessary to judge everything we see, we can give our opinion without reaching a definitive conclusion and without exceeding the existing limits. Many confuse it with free speech, not that freedom cannot be achieved, but we always tend to criticise any human act without getting to know the internal battles that take place. Navigating towards the healthy is to breathe without limits, that is, to know your emotional stability well and to know how to let go of any criticism without harming your mental health. Anxiety is one of the paths we always cross after hearing other people's criticisms of us, we feel undervalued and we breathe with limits that do not allow us to cross the wall that hides happiness.

There are experiences in my life that have limited me from moving towards happiness and I have felt like the most undervalued person in the world. Many people told me that if I felt that way, I would be under a roof with no food and no home, so that would be the reason to be that way. What we don't know is that we see the negative as totalitarian, that is, that what is negative has no positive. On the contrary, within negativity there is always something positive, and vice versa, for example, there are poor people who live on the streets and breathe loneliness, but during the day they often walk around the city and admire the details that nourish that city. They even communicate with people who help them in their day to day life, they have the emotional support of many people. Some see it as unnecessary, I mean, what is the point of helping the person emotionally if it does not feed them as it should. The answer to this question is a bit mixed, as feeding people emotionally can have its advantages over feeding them food from any supermarket. It is true that it is necessary to eat to live, but mental health needs to be nourished in a reciprocal and non-judgmental way.  If we judge a person by his physique, we are already taking away appreciation from his mental health, we are already robbing his mental health of nourishment. The disadvantage of not nourishing it, is to reach mental chaos and from there, the strength to stand up is non-existent.

We often feel that the world is playing against us and we don't know how to deal with it. Therefore, it is necessary to idealise your goals and recognise your mistakes without judging your present. We can judge the past, but never the present. Why? Because it is the anchor that leads us to the future and to our future actions. It is useful to know where you are and where you come from, but if we judge our thoughts by reflecting on future actions, mental fluidity disappears. What does mental fluidity mean? It is the human ability to feel the present without idealising the future, and without judging our upcoming decisions. If we let our life flow, we can breathe without limits. When I was little, there were times when I dreamt of being someone important in the world, but you really have to focus your ideas on the now and let them flow until you reach something unexpected that makes you happy. Happiness is not so easy to achieve, maybe in a material way yes, but in the aspects of life you have to work on your internal and external battles to know how to choose the path of your life without thinking about the limits. No human is born with limits, it is just that the world presents us with obstacles and we perceive them as something really impossible. Who knows if tomorrow you might be someone important who wants to help to build a better world and to have the courage to reign in the mental health of many people, or you might be a hero without capes and save lives.

Judging yourself is an unnecessary action, whether it is for your actions or for past traces. If you need to judge yourself in order to improve yourself, you are on the wrong path. We can improve ourselves by flowing in the present, that is, if we have done something wrong to someone, forgive that person and reflect on the reason why you wanted to hurt that person. Once you have forgiven them, at the same time you forgive yourself and you evolve mentally as a human being. We are made to forgive and move on, not to forgive and keep making the same mistakes. There are times when the situation gets complicated and that person does not reciprocate with you, but once you forgive them even if it is not a reciprocated forgiveness, your part as a human being is done. The next step is to move on and hold the anchor of your life so as not to damage your mental health. We harm ourselves just by thinking about the past and those people who are no longer part of your present. To let go of people is also to let go of places, but not to let go of those places, but once you visit them again, to think of the beauty that surrounds you. Observing places for how they are is more important than admiring them from the past with the person you were. You only have to think in the present so as not to remember people from the past who are now alien to your life. From my experience, there are thousands of places that perhaps I remember with nostalgia because of the traces those people left in my life, but thanks to meditation I have reflected on my life from a cold point of view. Nature is beautiful, it is the soul of my life and it helps me to enjoy the present and to breathe without limits, because it floods a large part of my life with only positivity. To receive positivity in your life is also to receive negativity, but even if it seems harmful, then you appreciate it from a constructive point of view and you know how to move forward with it without getting your mental health in chaos.

If we look at life from the right point of view, we will realise that the present is very necessary and carpe diem gives you the inner strength to get out of the complications that your mind is struggling with. Humans always tend to criticise any harmful act in order to orient ourselves towards the positive, but it is really important to accept the negative and live with it until life gives you back the strength you need to move forward. If someone tells us that the clothes are horrible, we will accept their criticism as something positive, because we already know that your style has not been seen before and you feel special for wearing something different. It's about stepping out of the monotonous and showing the way you are without thinking about the criticism that floods your mind. It's not easy to accept criticism so quickly, in fact, it's normal to cry about it if you've been affected by it. What is really easy is what we don't let go of, that is, if someone criticises us for the way we are, we already know that we don't want that person in our life. It is not the same to criticise from a physical point of view as it is to criticise from a personality point of view. The two things are very different, because if you criticise the physique it is because of the variety of your style and how special it looks. If the personality is criticised, you should not change for anything or anyone, just let go of those who do not accept you as you are. There are those who are more affected by criticism than others, and there are others who know how to live with the negative without giving importance to the consequences.

Do you think it is healthy to judge? In conclusion, the word judging can have its variants, we can judge to give importance to negativity, and on the other hand, we can judge with limits. If we think about the criticism that surrounds us, we will never become the person we always wanted to be. While some criticise you and you fail to accept these criticisms in order to live with them and move forward towards the right things in life, others move forward with criticisms that are accepted over time and they carry the armour of how important it is to keep your feet in the present.

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