Tournament Arc Pt. 4

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Mic:"Okay ladies and gentlemen! Today is the day of the quarterfinals!"

Everyone went wild as the 8 remaining fighters stood in the arena. Yang, Nora and Rias waved at everyone. Izuki was a bit nervous and Kiba was a bit embarrassed because of some girls in the stands calling him cute and handsome. One even said she wants him to be her baby daddy.

(Y/n) and Damien were at the opposite ends of the line and glared at each other.

Mic:"Now, let's get things into gear! The first match is between Kiba and Damien!"

They nodded and everyone else walked off the ring as the two stared at each other. The other students made it back to the stands and the match began. Kiba grabbed a sword of fire and ran at Damien. He coated his hand with ice and grabbed hold of the blade. He froze the blade and kicked Kiba away.

He grit his teeth and drew another sword. This one was lighter and Kiba used his incredible speed to dash around Damien. Damien followed his movements with ease and backhanded him. Kiba bounced off the ground and grabbed another sword.

(Y/n):"Duel wield huh?"

Kiba sliced wildly at Damien who was dodging. He was then slashed across the stomach but he put up a barrier at the last minute. It still caused him to slide along the ground.

Damien stuck out one hand and formed a green sphere of ki. He threw it and Kiba managed to dodge. The attack blew up part of the ring and dust got everywhere. Damien took this opportunity to strike and hit Kiba with a lariat. He slammed him as hard as he could to the floor. Kiba yelled out in pain as everyone looked shocked.

Johnny walked away but turned around when he heard Kiba getting back up.

Kiba:"I'm... not done... yet!"

He summoned a bunch of swords around him and charged at Johnny recklessly. He swung but Damien would disarm him and throw him. Kiba just kept grabbing swords and repeating the process. Damien grew tired of this and grabbed Kiba by the face and blasted him in the gut and sent him flying out the ring. Kiba landed on the ground and let out one last pained groan before passing out.

Mic:"What a wild turn of events! Damien has just dominated Kiba! An upset for the Occult Research Club."

The medics went over to pick up Kiba as Issei growled.

Issei:"That bastard! He beatdown on Kiba!"

Rias:"To think, we have to face him soon."

He walked out the ring as (Y/n) frowned slightly.

Mic:"Next is... Yang versus Nora! These two are some heavy hitting girls in the class of the first years! Let's see how it turns out!"

Yang and Nora were in the ring and everyone was curious as to how this would turn out. The match began and Nora shot grenades at Yang. Yang dodged as best as she could but one landed near her foot and she was launched upwards. Nora jumped up and slammed her hammer right into Yang.

Yang groaned and bounced off the floor but quickly got up and ran at Nora. She delivered a powerful uppercut to her and launched her into the air. Nora managed to recover and begun to spin in the air with her hammer. Yang jumped away as Nora slammed it into the ground with all her might. Yang ran over and started blasting Nora. Nora pulled her hammer out and started to run away.

Yang launched herself and tried to grab Nora but Nora planned this and shot Yang in the face. She flew back and groaned.

She got up and her hair was on fire with her eyes red. Nora smiled and made a battle cry and ran at her. Yang ran at her and the two traded blows with one another. Yang punched her in the jaw with her semblance boosting her strength and Nora hit her straight over the head with her hammer. Yang fell face first and Nora fell on her side.

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