Which Of Us Is Stronger

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Most of the students of Union Academy were finished with their exams all apart from (Y/n) who was busy training with Pyrrha, Joan, and Izuki. Pyrrha heard of the intense training from Joan and wanted to join in.

She struggled at first but her strong willpower and incredible skills allowed her to adapt quickly to the gravity. Pyrrha was trying to run at him and land a clean hit but he sidestepped and she crashed into Izuki. They fell to the floor as Joan tried a sneak attack but was flicked in the forehead by (Y/n).

They groaned as (Y/n) turned the gravity back to normal.

(Y/n):"You girls are doing better!"

Pyrrha:"Th-thank you."

He went to the special fridge and grabbed some water and gave them some.

Izuki:"(Y/n), have you heard anything about your exam?"

(Y/n):"Not yet. But I'm sure something will be set."

Joan:"Well, you're (Y/n)! No matter what, you can take on anything!"

(Y/n):"Heh, not quite. After all there are some mentors of mine that are stronger than me several times over. And recently, I learned that there's a multiverse with a wide range of incredible fighters all around. I may be strong in my own universe, but I may be weak in comparison to another universe."


They all looked down and he sat with them all and smiled.

(Y/n):"Hey! Cheer up. Even if I'm not the strongest, I'll always strive to keep everyone I hold dear safe. No matter what gets thrown my way, I'll break through and push past my limits!"

They all smiled and finished resting up their sore muscles and walked out with him. As soon as they stepped out, the PA system went off.

Ozpin:"Would (Y/n) please report to Practice Arena 5? I repeat, would (Y/n) please report to Practice Arena 5?"

(Y/n):"Heh, looks like it's time to fight. I'll see you guys later."

Izuki:"Good luck!"

Joan:"Go kick some butt!"

Pyrrha:"We'll all be rooting for you!"

He smiled at them before flying off to the arena as they went to their dorm to relax. Before they did, their Scrolls buzzed and they received a message which contained a link to watch his exam. They nodded and ran to meet up with their friends and watch it together.

They met up with team RWBY and the members of the occult research club, plus Kirishima. They sat around in the common room as Rias swiped the live feed from her scroll to the TV.

Your POV

I walked into the arena and saw that it was a blank grip that stretched on for miles. Suddenly, the floor and walls began glowing and became a large and open field. It was quite peaceful and beautiful.

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