(Y/n) Vs. Mira Round 3!

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All Might POV

I was at my house when I turned on the TV. My favorite show was on but it was interrupted by some news station.

Reporter:"Hello! I am here on the streets of Hosu City where chaos is everywhere! About an hour earlier, there were several Nomu attacking the city but the pros stopped them. The Hero Killer: Stain was also stopped and captured. Currently, I'm hiding behind a building as Endeavor, Gran Torino and two children are fighting a Cyclops Grimm."

My jaw dropped and I grew nervous as I watched the cyclops drop its club near her. She dodged and tried to punch it in the eye but it swatted her away. Luckily, Todoroki caught her and slid down some ice then they continued their assault.

Reporter:"Not only that, but there are shockwaves in the air! Our cameras unfortunately can't catch anything that's going on up there. But there is a blue skinned woman up there watching the things causing the powerful waves. She also seems to be eating a Snickers bar."

"That must be the Towa woman (Y/n) mentioned. (Y/n), please...protect everyone."

Your POV

I was trading blows with Mira. His attacks were stronger than last time. He went for a kick to my head but I got out the way and blasted him in the ribs. He was launched back and I flew after him and punched him in the back. He was launched into the air.

He recovered and fired a Kamehameha at me. It was black and I fired my own.

Our beams clashed as we were trying to overcome the other

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Our beams clashed as we were trying to overcome the other.

Mira:"I will not lose!"

He put more power into his attack and my beam was being pushed back.

"And you think I will? Haaaaa!!"

I powered up a bit more and my Kamehameha pushed his back and engulfed him. He screamed in pain as I flew through my Kamehameha and punched him in the chest. He was launched away and I smirked.

Towa started clapping.

Towa:"Wonderful, my love. Don't stop! I want to see more!"

I rolled my eyes as Mira flew at me. He teleported behind me and tried to kick me but I ducked and grabbed his leg, spun him around and threw him down to the streets below. I landed on the ground as Mira got up.

Mira:"You're strong... But I will kill you!"

"Mira, you stand no chance against me. I'm still holding back a significant amount."


"I haven't raised my power to its max or used any of my transformations."

Mira:"N-no! You're lying!"

"I'm not. If I went all out now, I'd be attracting too much attention to myself."

Mira:"You're such a fool! If you're strong then you shouldn't be afraid to hide it. All of these pathetic mortals can be crushed under your thumb!"

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