Keeping Up With The Kiryuins

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"On it!"

I grabbed Qrow by his cape and started to spin him around as he held out his sword. I moved around as we whacked down the Grimm with ease. I tossed him up into his air as he changed his weapon into its gun form and rained down bullets on everyone.

I flew past him as a Nevermore tried to strike him. I flew through it and killed it. Qrow landed in a tree and finished off the last Grimm. I flew back down and bumped his fist.

Qrow:"Piece of cake."

"You said it. Man this week has been a busy one."

Qrow:"You're telling me. You went out to help your friends across the entire kingdom in less than a few minutes. You stopped the Hero Killer and you took care of that ogre Grimm that was messing with that one village."


Qrow and I started walking back to the village we were staying at. When we got there we saw people running away screaming. We saw the reason why.

"Who are you supposed to be?"

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"Who are you supposed to be?"

Electrocutioner:"I'm the Electrocutioner!"

I leaned over to Qrow and started whispering.

*whisper* "He says he's the Electrocutioner."

Qrow: *whisper* "The Electrocutioner?"

*whisper* "The one and only Electrocutioner."

Qrow: *whisper* "I can't believe the Electrocutioner is out here of all the places to be."

*whisper* "I know right?"

Qrow: *whisper* "Small world I guess."

*whisper* "He's looking right at us as we talk about him."

We cleared our throats and I walked over to him.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Electrocutioner. My name is (Y/n). And I gotta say, your amor is amazing."

Electrocutioner:"Why, thank you."

"What material is it made of... HAAA!"

I elbowed his stomach and shattered the armor. I grabbed his head and threw him to Qrow. He was drinking from his flask, tossed it into the air, and aimed at Electrocutioner's head and shot him. His body fell to the ground, limp, as he caught his flask without looking.

The villagers cheered for us as I gave Qrow a thumbs up. We flew back to Union Academy as Qrow was worn out. I was still holding up well as what we did last week was light work. He pretty much ran himself ragged as we hopped from village to village doing all sorts of missions and jobs.

Once we made it back I took Qrow to Ruby's dorm. She let us in and Qrow passed out right there on the floor. Yang started poking him with a ruler.

Yang:"Yeah he's out of it."

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