Final Exams Start!

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It was November and the final exams were approaching. I taught my club how to use ki whenever they had time when they weren't studying. There was just 3 days before the exams actually started and Momo, Rias, and Weiss all decided to get everyone to study up together.

I was currently back at Capsule Corp picking up my gravity room capsule. Dr. Briefs handed it to me and I thanked him. I used the circle to head back to Union Academy where I saw Kaminari lying on the ground.

"Hey bud, you alright?"


"I guess not."

I picked him up and walked to his dorm where I saw some other of my classmates walking around like zombies. I decided to just set Kaminari on a bench inside and kept walking around.

"Jeez, if everyone is this brain dead then I can't have them train in the gravity room."

I walked some more until I saw Joan grabbing an energy drink from a vending machine.

"Hey Joan!"

She saw me and ran over to me.

Joan:"Hey (Y/n)! I've been studying real hard!"

"Good on you. I'm glad you aren't walking around like a zombie."

Joan looked around and laughed.

Joan:"Yeah the only other people I know who are still sane is Rias, Akeno, Weiss, Pyrrha, Momo and Izuki."

"Perfect. Text Izuki and meet me outside on the west side of the school."

Joan:"Sure thing."

I nodded and walked outside to the west side where I saw Amber standing under a tree as leaves fell on head. She saw me and smiled sweetly and began walking to me.

Amber:"Hey (Y/n)."

"Hey Amber what's going on?"

Amber:"Enjoying the season. Me being the Fall Maiden was honestly just a coincidence as I actually love the fall season."

"What do you love about it?"

Amber:"The leaves changing color, the nice and cool temperature, the atmosphere in general and plus it's always a perfect time to have a coffee."

"I never thought about that last part."

She giggled and I laughed.

Amber:"How have things been so far with Ruby?"

"Pretty great. She's my second girlfriend but honestly a lot better than my first."

Amber:"In what way?"

"Well, my ex cheated on me with an alien monkey."

She just tilted her head in confusion.

"It would make a lot more sense if I explained it in detail but point is; she tore my heart out and stomped on it."

Amber:"That's awful! I should slap that bitch upside the head."

"I would love to see that but I'm over it."

Amber:"Why did she cheat on you?"

"Well, I'm just a normal human as was she. She thought I was bland and weak. But after completing my most dangerous mission ever, I was recognized as the strongest human to ever exist and will continue to be."

Amber:"Ha! You showed her!"

"I pretty much did. She tried crawling back to me but I told her to piss off."

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