Multiversal Madness Pt. 1

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I was chasing after Towa as we were in a strange wormhole. It was dark purple as green and blue streaks of light ran along it. Towa was ahead of me and turned to blow a kiss at me before reaching the end of the portal. I made it through as well. Everything was bright before cutting back to pitch black.

* * *

The world around me was still dark before I heard a faint sobbing noise. I opened my eyes and saw someone next to me with their face covered. I sat up and looked around before deciding to speak up.

"Are you okay?"

The person flinched and looked at me with a tear stained face.

The person flinched and looked at me with a tear stained face

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?:"(Y/n)! You'"

The mystery girl tackled me and began to cry in the crook of my neck. I was stunned and just let her cry her heart out. Whatever happened must've been serious if she's acting this way. What's strange to me is that she knows my name already.

"Hey, uhhh... Who are you?"

Mine:"It's me! Mine! Please don't tell me you lost your memory..."

"I wouldn't exactly say that. It's just I don't know you."

Mine:"You're not making any sense..."

"I guess not. Where are we anyway?"

Mine:"The Emerald Forest. Those fucking assholes... They...they!"

"Who's they?"

Mine:"(Y/n)... It was... Rias and Yang's doing!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on, hang on. What did they do?"

Mine:"They brought you out here to pretend to confess to you and literally stabbed you in the back. They left you here to rot and die..."

"I don't believe that. Why would they do that?"

Mine:"Because they despised you for being weak! And I'm sorry I wasn't able to get here on time to protect you... I'm a terrible friend..."

Okay? So, Yang and Rias are acting completely out of character. That's a bad sign for a story of what's to come next. Is anyone else like that? "Listen, Mine, you came out here to mourn me which is a sign of good friendship."

She smiled and held my hands. I looked down and noticed the lack of scars on myself. I was clearly not in my own body.

"Listen, this may be difficult to understand but I'm not your (Y/n). I'm a completely different person brought here by a demon."

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