Ki Is The Key To Success!

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I awoke several minutes after my beat down in the infirmary and got out of the bed but groaned in pain. I clutched my side and walked to my club room.

"Good afternoon everyone!"

All:"Good afternoon, (Y/n)!"

I was clutching my side and smiled at them.

Momo:"Excuse me, (Y/n), why are you holding your side?"

Everyone looked at me and I sighed.

"I got into a fight with someone who I greatly underestimated."

Yang:"No way..."

"Yeah. This is just all the more reason to teach you guys how to control ki."

Ruby:"(Y/n), who hurt you? Was it Mira?"

"No. Besides, he was killed by the person who hurt me."

They all gasped as they knew Mira was behind me in terms of strength.

Izuki:"No way. Well can you beat them?"

"I'm pretty sure I can. But now they're even stronger than before thanks to Mira."

Asia:"What about your Kaioken? Can't you use that?"

"I can and I will. Like I said, I underestimated my opponent and paid the price. Something you all should learn from."

They nodded but still carried a worried look.

I could've beaten her easily with Potential Unleashed but I'll save that for when I actually need it. "Alright, for the first lesson. We're going to try and get ki flowing in our bodies."

I held out my hands and spoke.

"What I want you all to do is hold out one hand."

They did as I asked and I nodded at them.

"Good. Now, close your eyes."

I watched as everyone closed their eyes.

"Try to imagine something that gives you a warm sensation. Like a fire, a blanket, a hug from someone you love or something similar."

I watched as their faces of concentration became relaxed and happy ones.

"Now that you have that warm sensation pictured, pass it down from your brain straight to the fingertips of the hand you have out."

I paid close attention as Joan, Izuki, Akeno and Ryuko had a faint glow coming off of their bodies.

"Can you feel your fingertips getting warm? Nod if you do."

I watched as everyone gave me a nod.

"Good. Now, put that image into sparkles and watch them gather into a small orb of light."

The room began to light up as bits of ki released from their fingertips and swirled around over the palms of their hands.

"Keep going. It's not a balloon. It won't pop no matter how much you pour into it."

Joan's ki orb was increasing in size at a pretty decent rate as was Izuki's. Everyone else had theirs grow larger in between minutes.

"Keep holding that warm feeling but now, open your eyes!"

They opened them and gasped as they all held ki in their hands.

"Congratulations. You all made it past step one."

Their ki faded and they cheered.

Joan and Izuki smiled and high fived each other.

Kirishima:"What's next?! Tell me it's explosions and lasers!"

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