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Hope's POV:

The weight of the night's events pressed heavily on my shoulders as I locked myself in my home. Panic and uncertainty swirled in my mind, forcing me to confront the harsh reality: the wolves from the canyons had discovered me. I couldn't risk my daughter, Elena's safety. The only choice was to leave Texas and start anew.

As I ran my fingers through my hair, contemplating the difficult decision ahead, the gravity of the situation sank in. Do I uproot Elena, again, for her safety? The uncertainty gnawed at me, but the need to keep her out of harm's way overpowered all else. I couldn't gamble with her life.

Deciding to leave Texas, I spent the night researching potential destinations within our budget. The criteria included good schools, job opportunities, and avoidance of other wolf packs. By 5 am, I settled on Huntsville, Alabama, with a suitable house, promising schools, and proximity to a job in Redstone Arsenal. Though the decision was painful, it offered a chance at a fresh start and, more importantly, safety for Elena.

With a plan in mind, I resolved to catch a few hours of sleep before embarking on the arduous journey of selling the house, finding a new job, and relocating to Huntsville. It would be challenging, and I felt guilty about disrupting Elena's life once again, especially when she had formed close connections, but her safety took precedence. As the first light of dawn crept through the window, I steeled myself for the challenges ahead and began reaching out to realtors and potential employers in Huntsville. The road ahead was uncertain, but the safety of my daughter was worth every sacrifice.

Jack's POV:

The boys and I called the Colorado pack and told them we would be a week late because something had come up. They were a little crabby but understood, so we went to a hotel near Amarillo to figure things out.

"Why are we risking our alliance with the Colorado pack for some rogue?" Clint asked as he researched on his laptop.

"Because I told you there was something about her scent, and I need to know more about what she is doing out here," Clint rolled his eyes at me and shook his head as he returned to the laptop. He kept on scrolling, and then his computer pinged.

"It looks like I got you that match," He said as he pulled up a picture of her tyres. "She rides a motorbike with bespoke tyres fit especially for her bike, and there seems to be only one place that sells these kinds of tyres."

"Okay, great; anyway, can we hack into their database?"

"Already on it," Clint said as he started tapping away at his keyboard. "Alright, custom tyres for a motorbike in the last year, and we are looking at five people." Clint pulled up their details.

"Alright, DMV cross-check," I ordered, and Clint nodded as he again started tapping away at his keyboard.

"Alright, we have three males and two females. The two females, one has black hair –"

"That's not her; tonight's wolf had blonde fur," I said.

"Well, I was about to say that the second female has blonde hair,"

"Okay, that must be her; who is she?"

Clint handed me a meticulously printed piece of paper containing crucial information. "Hope Mayson, 24 years old, resides in Amarillo, Texas," he detailed. As my gaze shifted to her DMV picture, I found myself captivated by the snapshot of a striking young woman. Her long, flowing blonde hair cascaded gracefully around her shoulders, framing a face adorned with a pair of light green eyes. The subtle contours of her features revealed a delicate yet captivating allure, complemented by a pale complexion that added an ethereal quality to her image. In that frozen moment, I glimpsed the undeniable beauty of my true mate, Hope Mayson.

"Okay, you two wait here; I'll call if I need you,"

"Wait, you're going to see her alone?"

"Yeah, don't want to spook her again,"

"Are you sure that's smart? Going alone?"

"I'm an Alpha, guys; give me some credit," I chuckled as I grabbed the car keys and left the hotel room to head for the car.

The twilight air hung heavy with anticipation as I pulled up in front of a charming little house. A car nestled in the driveway, but the absence of a motorcycle sparked a moment of doubt – was this truly the right place? Dismissing the uncertainty, I stepped out of my car and was immediately enveloped in the enchanting aroma that lingered in the air like a sweet, elusive perfume. The distinctive scent confirmed that I had indeed found her sanctuary.

Approaching the front door, a mixture of determination and trepidation guided my every step. The quaint facade of the house seemed to hold the promise of answers, yet the impending encounter stirred a well of conflicting emotions within me. My knuckles rapped insistently on the door, resonating with a palpable sense of urgency.

Footsteps echoed from the other side of the entrance, creating an almost musical prelude to the impending revelation. As the door swung open, a rush of her scent flooded the space, an overwhelming olfactory symphony that captivated my senses. Face to face with her, the full impact of her essence washed over me, igniting a realization so profound it bordered on surreal – she was my true mate.

"Shit," She sighed.

"Hello to you too," 

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