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Hope's POV:

The weight of the impending courtroom session pressed upon me as I approached, each step feeling like a march towards an uncertain fate. Time warped into a surreal experience, and the gravity of the situation overwhelmed my senses. It was as if I were a condemned man walking towards the gallows, the echoes of my footsteps resonating with the haunting uncertainty of the future.

In that poignant moment, my mind involuntarily retraced the trajectory of my life from the night Trisha was attacked. The path I envisioned, a tranquil existence within Rick's pack, meeting someone, and raising a family, had been shattered. Instead, I found myself in the unexpected role of a Luna, a widow, and a mother to a child now entangled in a legal dispute.

As I approached the courtroom, the stark reality of life's unpredictable turns dawned on me. The visions I once held had crumbled, and I stood at the threshold of a legal battle, fighting for the custody of a child. In its surprising and capricious nature, life had taken me down a path I never could have anticipated.

"All rise," like a bucket of ice-cold water washed over me with the officer's voice. I looked up at the Judge as he strode from his chambers to his chair. He told us all to be seated before turning to the Jury.

"Has the Jury made a decision?" He asked the Jury foreman, who rose to his feet.

"We have, your Honour," My heart was beating so loudly I could hear it in my ears, and more and more, I felt like I was going to die. I was sure that others could hear my heart beating so hard it wanted to explode from my chest. My throat felt dry, my hands were sweating profusely, and my stomach had emptied. These following few words from the foreman would dictate the trajectory of my life. To hide or to be free.

"Please read out your decision,"

"In the matter of Franks vs. Mayson in regards to the custody and parentage of Elena Mayson, we, the Jury, find in favour of," The foreman took a dramatic pause here. I thought I was about to pass out. "Hope, Mayson," There was a loud uproar, talking and anger from Rick's side and relief, cheers and tears from my side. I stood in stunned silence; my breathing had stopped momentarily, unsure what to do next. Jack was squeezing my hand, tugging me to look at him, and I did, to see a big beaming smile on his face. Suddenly, the loudness of the room hit me hard, and I started to breathe again.

We won. Elena was mine.

Elena was mine.

The Judge controlled the room and beckoned the foreman to finish his statement.

"Custody of Elena Mayson will remain with Hope Mayson and any educational, medical or parental decisions will be made by Hope Mayson,"

"Is all in attendance in agreement?" There were nods from the members of the Jury. "Then, under our laws, it is agreed. The custody of Elena Mayson shall remain with Hope Mayson," The Judge banged his gavel again, and that was it; it was over.

We all rose as the Judge exited the courtroom for his chambers, and people started filing out. That was when Rick exploded.

"You BITCH!" He yelled at me, and his lawyer and some guards had to hold him back from getting too close to me. Jack kept me behind him, and a couple of our guards were beside Jack. I pushed forward to stand beside Jack, which I could feel he was unhappy about. "She's my daughter! She's mine! She is my heir! She belongs with me!" He screamed.

"No, she doesn't! She is my daughter and belongs with me!" I called back. "You are a rapist and do not deserve to be Head Alpha! You're a useless, pathetic man, and if you ever come near my family again, I will personally see to the end of you," I warned him before pulling at Jack to follow me. As we got to the courtroom door, I looked back to see Rick, whose eyes were like a fury of fire. He looked at me with pure hate and loathing but also resilience.

"This doesn't end here!" I heard him yell as I closed the door behind me. Yes, it did. The law had been on my side, and Elena was officially mine. There was no way she could be taken from me by Rick now.

"You won," Jack whispered as he kissed me.

"We won," I replied, allowing him and his guards to lead me through the crowds of paparazzi who had excited this case. We made it to the car, got in and were driven away.

Life was positively dull now with the case over. Elena was happy to see our return and to return to normality. For the first time, I started to enjoy my role as Luna and my life with Jack. I realised that whilst I had accepted Jack as my mate, I had never entirely accepted that this could be my life. I guess I always had one foot out the door, ready to bolt to protect Elena, and now that she was saved, I could breathe a sigh of relief. I could enjoy my life and embrace my role as Luna. 

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