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Hope's POV:

Embracing my role as Luna, I delved into community affairs, attending meetings, orchestrating events, and intervening in conflicts when necessary. The responsibility of ensuring the pack's well-being and happiness became a central focus, and I found a sense of liberation and purpose in my newfound position.

At home, Elena seemed to sense a shift in me, a difference that reflected my newfound contentment and freedom. The weight that had burdened my shoulders melted away, and the happiness within our family blossomed.

The culmination of this transformative journey arrived with the verdict from the Jury. As we returned home, the awaited paperwork carried the judge's confirmation that my parental rights remained intact and that Elena would continue to be under my care. It was a monumental victory, a decree that held profound significance, and I contemplated framing that letter as a testament to our hard-fought triumph.

"I think I want to go back to work," I told Jack one evening after Elena had gone to bed and Alastair had been sent home for the night. I hadn't worked as a nurse since moving here to Jack's pack, and I missed being around patients and caring for people. This court case had taken up so much of my time, and I wanted to feel like me again.

"As a nurse?"

"Yeah, even if it was just part-time,"

"Well, I can call the pack doctor tomorrow and ask if he needs help; what's your speciality?"

"Intensive care and emergency care,"

"I think part-time would be good for you...get you out of the house and back to what you enjoy,"

"I don't think I realised how much I had been subconsciously holding back from the pack and everything because of the fear of losing Elena," Jack rubbed his fingers up and down my back.

"Well, now she is officially yours," Jack whispered as he kissed my head.

"I'm sorry that you cannot adopt her," As per the court case terms, because I refused to alter the original birth certificate to remove myself or Trisha from it for Rick, I could not do it for Jack. Jack could apply for guardianship but never get a parental order for Elena. If, however, when she was older, she wanted to have her name changed to Jack's last name, then she could, but Jack could never be a parent to her. It was sad, but it kept her safe.

"She is still my daughter regardless of any piece of paper,"

Returning to work marked a return to a semblance of normalcy, though my responsibilities were tailored to the pack doctor's clinic, which lacked an intensive care unit. Nonetheless, the role of tending to wounds, stitching injuries, and managing emergency cases brought a comforting familiarity back into my life.

Elena flourished at school, surrounded by friends and a special connection with Alastair, even if she remained unaware of their deeper bond. Just as life seemed to settle into a blissful routine, the unpredictable nature of existence unfolded, reminding me that simplicity was a fleeting concept.

'Well shit,' I thought as I held the offending stick. PREGNANT shone back at me in the small LED screen of the pregnancy test. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, should I? Jack and I hump like bunnies. I'm amazed I did not get pregnant earlier but had been on birth control. It's a useless little white pill.

With a heart-pounding and anticipation swirling, I surprised Jack and Elena with the joyous news of our growing family. On my day off from the doctor's office, I ventured into town to assemble two charming baskets—one for Jack and another for Elena—announcing the impending arrival of our baby.

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