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Hope's POV:

"Trisha? What are you doing here?" I asked my best friend as I opened the front door to my house. I then took a second and looked at my best friend. Her face was scratched and bloody, with bruises forming on her face. Her eye was swollen, her lip was split, and her clothes barely hung onto her body. "What the hell? What happened to you?" I asked as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the house, shutting the door behind her. I locked it quickly and took her upstairs to my bathroom.

I sat her down on the edge of my bathtub and started to run her a hot bath. I grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet under the sink and pulled out antiseptic wipes. I dabbed at her cuts and scratches, which she winced at. I grabbed a flannel and wiped off some of the dirt, grime and anything else on her face, hands and arms.

"I'm going to strip you if that's okay?" I asked her, and she nodded at me once.

Carefully and slowly, I started to undo the buttons on her torn blouse and peel it off her battered body. There were more scrapes, blood and forming bruises on her chest. I got her to stand up to remove her skirt, and it looked like her underwear was gone. Her inner thighs were a mess with blood and dirt. I peeled her bra off her beaten body before slowly helping her into the hot bubble bath.

She hissed as the water touched her body and just sat there. I dipped a flannel into the water before washing her body gently. I was so careful of the cuts, scrapes and gashes she had on her body. The flannel and the water muddied due to the dirt and blood on her body. I grabbed a cup and started to wash her matted curly brown hair, careful of her scalp because chunks were missing. Tears splashed the water as she silently cried.

Once she was clean of dirt, and I could see her wounds, they varied in range. Some were road rash, and others would have needed stitches if she hadn't approached me. I was the pack witch because I was a hybrid. My mother was the original pack witch, and my father was a wolf who had lost his original mate and fallen for my mother. They both died a few months ago in a car crash.

"Okay, the more severe wounds I am going to fix now," Trisha nodded at my words but did not speak. I placed my hand over the most severe wound on her back before chanting an enchantment. Her rapid healing ability accelerated even faster, and I watched her injuries start to knit back together. I sent my magic out further into her body, and the other severe wounds began to knit together. She hissed from the uncomfortable nature of it but just held on to the tub's sides.

"Your ability can heal the rest of the wounds," I told her, and she nodded once. I let her sit in the tub momentarily and sat on the floor next to her. "What happened, Trisha?" She didn't speak or move and then slowly turned her head to look at me.

"It was the Alpha," She whispered to me.

"Alpha Rick?" She nodded in reply. "He-He-"

"Raped me," I felt tears well up at what she said. Alpha Rick was a mean son of a bitch for someone who was barely 25. He had taken over from his dad when he died and had become the Head Alpha. What had once been an elected position had become generational because no other Alpha would square up to the Franks Family. They had become a powerful family over the generations, and no other Alpha had accumulated as much power. Alphas derive their power from the number of pack members and those members' abilities. This pack was the strongest, and they were only aided by the fact they had a witch – well, a hybrid one now, but still.


"I'm his mate," She whispered. "But he didn't want the orphan as his mate,"

Trisha had been orphaned and abandoned out in the woods near the pack lands at birth. The doctor and his wife had found her, she was close to death, and they took her in. They had never traced where her family had come from, but she was a wolf because she shifted at 13 like everyone else. I had helped her find what we could about her family during our teens, and it seemed that her mother was of Beta blood because I had tested Trisha's. Still, we could never pinpoint where she was from. It wasn't like we had some database. We never found out who her father was, but again, from her blood, we could tell he was also a high-up.

"So he raped you?"

"He said – he said 'he wanted to have a slice before he threw out the trash," She cried out. "I didn't know he was my mate until I was called to the Pack House," We did not find out about our mates until the first full moon after our 18 birthday, which for Trisha was tonight. Mine was two months ago.

"What do you want to do?" I asked, menace laced in my voice. "I can go after him,"

"No, you're a hybrid, so neither side is strong enough."

"We could go to another Alpha,"

"None of them will go up against him; he's too powerful for them,"

"We can't just do nothing!"

"We won't; we'll leave,"

"Leave? Leave the pack?" I asked, unsure as to what she said. We hadn't left the pack lands in – well – ever. This was home, but now, as I looked at Trisha, I knew my house was ruined. I could not let Trisha stay here and face her attacker. She was all the family I had left, so if she said we go, we left. 

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