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TW: Talk of SA and use of the R-word

Hope's POV:

"Are you ready for this?" Jack asked me as the car parked in a designated bay. I fiddled with the hem of my designer navy blue dress and nervously fidgeted. I looked up at the imposing building and took in a steadying breath. Today was the day we had been gearing up for and working hard to fight. Elena was under lock and key in the pack lands with her grandparents whilst we were here at the courthouse.

The air inside the courtroom crackled with tension as we took our seats, surrounded by familiar and unfamiliar faces. The grandeur of the courthouse bore down on me, emphasising the gravity of the upcoming legal battle. Jack's supportive presence helped anchor me despite my nerves being palpable.

Christopher's welcoming smile and a cup of coffee served as a brief respite. I accepted the warm beverage with gratitude, though its effect on my nerves was marginal. The courtroom began to fill with the pack, a mixture of allies and adversaries, each wearing expressions that reflected the complexity of our shared history.

Taking my seat in the defendant's area, I felt the collective gaze of both packs upon me. Some faces held confusion, others resentful, and a few revealed a sombre acknowledgement of our shared past. It was a surreal experience, facing those who had once sought my guidance, now transformed into wary observers.

A surge of apprehension enveloped me as the plaintiff's side filled with Rick and his attorney. The echoes of our bitter history reverberated in the courtroom, adding complexity to an already contentious situation.

The slow entry of the Jury, shielded by a protective spell, brought a momentary relief. I had taken precautions to safeguard the integrity of the trial, distrustful of Rick's potential for manipulation. The Jury members settled into their seats, their faces momentarily hidden by the gravity of the proceedings ahead.

The courtroom, a stage for the clash of legal minds and emotional turmoil, awaited the unfolding drama determining Elena's fate and the delicate balance between the two packs. I steeled myself for what lay ahead, a mixture of anxiety and determination coursing through my veins.

"All rise for Judge Ignacio!" A court officer yelled, and everyone got to their feet. Out from a door just behind the Judge's podium came the Judge who had been presiding over the case from the beginning. He was an older gentleman, but you could see the wisdom in his eyes.

"Good morning, everyone," he called into the courtroom. "Good morning, Officer Renshaw," The Judge said as he turned to the officer who had told us to rise to our feet. Officer Renshaw had a file in his hand and took it to Judge Ignacio's podium.

"Good morning, Judge. Case of Franks Vs Mayson regarding custody of Elena Mayson," Officer Renshaw said as he handed over the file.

"Thank you, Officer Renshaw. You may be seated," the Judge ordered, and we all took our seats. "Opening statements, please, Mr Adkins, as the lawyer for the plaintiff, you may proceed first."

"Thank you, your honour," Mr. Adkins said as he rose from his seat and put up the two buttons on his Armani suit jacket. He walked around the table and stood in the courtroom before the Jury. He passed on his smarmiest smile and oozed confidence. He truly believed that he could win this.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. You are here today to preside over a unique case and one that holds the stability of the Head Alpha role. Our hardworking Head Alpha, who has presided over us for the last eight years with strength and stability, is here today to ask you to give him what any father wants...time with his daughter and the chance to teach, mould, and prepare her for her birthright." He paused dramatically here and simpered a little at the Jury before looking over at Rick, who was nodding along like a puppet on strings. Did he look...imploring?...Sad?...either way, I could tell it was done as part of the show. He looked over at the Jury, scanning their faces for a comrade, and found one or two barely adult girls in the corners, biting their lips to keep from giggling. I would need to tell Christopher because we could request a new jury or at least certain members.

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