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Rick's POV:

"What do you mean this case won't be easy? I am Head Alpha, and Elena is my heir; to be my heir, she has to live with me to take over my role. My daughter needs her father and needs to live with me," I ordered my lawyer, who had come to meet with me about our next steps regarding custody of my daughter.

"The issue is," He started. "Hope Mayson is Elena Mayson's legal parent, which is much harder to fight than just a guardian. She was legally married to Trisha Mayson nee David, which means she is Elena's mother-by-law. The opposing party refuses to alter Elena's birth certificate to remove Hope as parent two and replace it with Father, as it ought to," Graham Adkins told me.

"Well, there must be some loophole that allows me access to my daughter, as she is my heir," I growled. I had to have mine and Trisha's daughter living with me. She is my only connection to my true mate, my heir, the most vital child of my three and the one to inherit my title. If I do not train her, the title is in jeopardy, and I cannot go to my son. He is a sweet boy, but he is not strong enough to take over from me, but my eldest child and daughter of my true mate...she would be strong enough.

"We can put the request in for partial custody and visitation with holidays spent here, but you won't get full custody," I growled at my lawyer's words, and his eyes shifted. "I am sorry, Head Alpha, but this is the truth," He told the floor.

"Elena is my child," I said low and menacingly.

"I understand the biology of our situation, Head Alpha, but from a legal standing, our options are limited. Trisha and Hope were aware of the legal ramifications regarding legal guardianship and custody of Elena, hence why they married and why Hope has sworn testimony to the fact that the marriage was legal, binding and consensual as well as being consummated." I growled again when he told me about that sham of marriage being consummated. I hated that Trisha had been with anyone else, even a woman.

"Okay then, give it straight; what kind of shot am I looking at? What could I walk away with?" I asked in a calmer, more controlled tone, but just beneath the surface was a hotbed of rage and anger.

"Well, if we push the implications of Elena, as the next heir, not being trained by the current ruler and state that we are merely looking out for the welfare of all wolves and Elena, we may be able to get visitations during the holidays and partial custody, but as I said, it is an unclear path due to this being the first of its kind. No law or legalities state a clear yes or no to this."

"Okay, what would we return to the courts with?"

"A request for shared or partial custody and for Elena to stay here during most holidays to ensure that the line of succession remains strong,"

"And then what?"

"Then the courts would decide if an agreement could be sought, which there won't, and they would decide if it is in everyone's best interests if this were brought forward to court."

"And if it were?"

"Mediation and then final a court date would be set with a Judge and a Jury, as this is going to affect the public, where a final decision would be made."

"I see, so time-wise, what am I looking at here?"

"I won't lie, it will take time, but as you are Head Alpha and this is a high profile case, I would suspect six months at most before a final decision is made,"

Six months did not seem too long, but it did not seem soon enough. I had been kept away from my daughter all her short life, but then I had been honoured by her for six years; what were another six months?

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