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"Jack?!" I yelled in confusion. "My Jack?"



"Rick is Head Alpha, and years ago, the Head Alpha title was taken by force and fight."

"But Jack is an Alpha, not a Head Alpha,"

"True, but you gave him more power than Rick,"


"Your weaver spell, your child, and you are mated; he has a connection to your magic now," Trisha's reminder drew attention to the intricate tapestry of spells, emphasising the once-woven weaver spell that had shifted allegiance from Rick's pack to Jack. The essence of my newfound connection with Jack, now a fully mated pair, and the life growing within me acted as potent sources of strength, tipping the scales in Jack's favour.

The intricate dance of fate had rendered Jack stronger than Rick, the current Head Alpha. The convergence of magical forces, love, and the promise of new life had imbued Jack with a resilience and power that surpassed the former Alpha's grasp.

"Did you once have that connection?" With a yearning curiosity, I posed the question to Trisha, guiding our shared memories back to the inception of our temporary mate connection. As I delved into the past, I could witness the memories flittering through her eyes—the echoes of our time together, the shared love that once bridged the gap between us, and the tendrils of a mate bond that had once bound our fates.

"Looking back at it now, yes, I felt a faint buzz sometimes, bolstering my strength and keeping me going,"

"But not enough to keep you alive?" I asked.

"Fate is funny sometimes...plus, had I survived, you never would have mated with Jack and gotten pregnant,"

"But if Jack fights him, wouldn't he be Head Alpha?"

"Only if he wants it; he could remove the Head Alpha position altogether and put in a council instead?" Trisha suggested.

"He won't get hurt, will he? He won't die," I pleaded with Trisha.

"Believe in his strength and yours," Trisha spoke with tenderness. As she approached me, warmth enveloped her form, and she extended her hands, gently taking mine in a reassuring grasp. The squeeze conveyed more than words could—a comforting reassurance filled with love.

"I love you, you know that, right? Even though you were not my true mate, I loved you like you were my true mate, and losing you, a part of me broke that day,"

"I know, and I love you, too. You saved me when I was lost, and I am forever grateful that you became my best friend. I am even more grateful that you kissed me, bringing me back to life," In a fleeting moment, Trisha's spectral form seemed to gain a semblance of solidity, a transient transformation that rendered her almost human for the briefest of instances. In that temporary state, she leaned forward, her lips meeting mine.

Her lips, soft yet firm against mine, evoked a sense of familiarity and tenderness that spanned years. I had loved her since my teenage years, witnessed her pregnancy, cared for our daughter after her untimely death, and mourned her loss through countless nights. The kiss held the weight of love and farewell—a chance to say goodbye that had eluded us when Elena was born, the events unfolding too swiftly, leaving us with an abrupt separation.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, mirroring the torrent of emotions that swirled between us. The kiss became a poignant act of closure. As we parted, I looked into her eyes, witnessing the gradual transition of her form back to its distinctive half-spectre, half-human appearance, the visual representation of the space she occupied between the realms of existence.

"What do I have to do?" I asked her.

"Bring down the barrier; let Jack defend his family," I took a deep, steadying breath and pulled the barrier down.

As the barrier crumbled, Jack staggered momentarily, the abrupt shift in the dynamics of the fight threatening to unbalance him. Swiftly recovering, Jack sprinted toward Trisha and me, his urgency evident in every step. Jack collided with me in a near-tackle, wrapping his arms around me as if I were his lifeline. The strength of his embrace conveyed a desperation, a need to hold onto the one he loved in the face of looming danger. He clung to me as his life depended on it, a tangible reassurance amid chaos. When he pulled back, his hands cupped my face, his eyes scanning for any signs of injury. The tenderness in his touch spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgement of the shared vulnerability that surfaced in moments of peril. Jack's concern etched lines of relief on his face, a testament to the depth of his feelings and the enduring connection that bound us together.

"Don't you ever do that to me again,"

"I had to protect you,"

"You could have died! How is that protecting me? You die, I die!"

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm so sorry," Tears fell on my face as I pleaded with him to understand. "Trisha says you have to end this,"

"Trisha?" In his rush to reach me, Jack had been entirely focused on our imminent reunion, seemingly oblivious to the ethereal presence of the woman standing before me. As he turned, a slightly startled jump betrayed his sudden awareness of Trisha's spectral form. "Oh my!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening as he took in the otherworldly sight before him. The realisation that he stood in the presence of someone from beyond the veil of mortality added an extra layer of complexity to the already intense circumstances. At that moment, the supernatural and the mundane collided, and Jack grappled with the profound reality of the spectral figure standing before him.

"Hello Jack, thank you for being the dad to my daughter that she needed and the mate to my best friend that she needed," Trisha said to him.

"Thank you, in turn, for loving Hope and giving us the gift that is Elena," Jack said as he held me to his side. "Now, what is this about me ending this?" He asked as he looked between the two of us.

"Alpha Vs Alpha, a fight as old as time," Trisha said. 

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