~meeting at stage door~

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Y/N- your name
Y/L/N- your last name
Y/F/N- your friends name
Y/H/T- your home town
Y/H/C- your hair colour

So today I've been on a shopping trip with Y/F/N in London, it's been a nice day just the two of us as we don't see each other a lot, I moved to London last year as I was offered a job on the west end meaning I had to leave Y/H/T.
"Y/N do you fancy getting a drink somewhere? we've been walking round for ages" Y/F/N said
"Erm yeh sure there's a TGI Fridays down there we could grab something to eat too"
so we walked down to TGIs and got a table for two.

After half an hour of talking, laughing together and a few drinks I decided I needed to nip to the toilet
"back in a sec hun just need to nip to the ladies" I said to Y/F/N

as I was walking to the ladies I spotted a few people I had met at stage doors so gave them a little wave but some people I didn't know, like I walked past a table of three boys not knowing who they were.

she's stunning
she's gorgeous
she's hopefully single
"Bro you're staring" my younger brother Elliott laughed at me l, I didn't even  notice I was staring, she's probably gonna think I'm a freak

"I know who she is!!" Harry broke the silence making me want to know more

"Who is she" I burst out, jeez Harv you sound obsessed
"woah. First of all chill your beans. And I don't know her name but I went to see heathers a few weeks ago and I'm pretty sure she's in the show"

straight away I pulled out my phone and started booking tickets for the evening show tomorrow for me Elliott and Harry

"Harvey you're seriously buying tickets.." Elliott said but I honestly didn't care I wanted to see her and possibly meet her..well thinking about it I could of just done that now

I wakes out of the toilet cubicle I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror, fixing my straightened Y/H/C hair and a bit more mascara before leaving the toilets

as I walked through the restaurant I saw the three boys again one looking down at his phone with nice brown hair with blondish highlights , sure he's popped up on my insta before. As I walked past the other two smiled at me as I made my way back to my seat

So today is a double show day at heathers the musical, sadly Y/F/N got the train home this morning so I was on my own walking to the theatre royal haymarket (where heathers is on) walking past the sign with a few of our cast members including me as Heather Chandler.

so I had my hair costume and make-up on, now it's time for the show. Making my way to the stage I speak to so fellow cast members and just having a quick catch up as beginners was called

*after the show has finished*

Mind blowing
So Talented
And Gorgeous is how to describe her, Harry bought a programme on the way in so we learnt that her name is Y/N Y/L/N. She's amazing so talented and her voice is incredible.
"Err lads you get off if you want I'm gonna stay a second" I said to Elliott and Harry

"Erm ok Harv text if you need us" they replied

I was going to wait at stage door for her to speak to her.
As I was stood at stage door many cause members making there way out until there she was signing posters and taking photos until it was my turn.

"Hey thanks for coming to the show" she said with a smile
"no problem your amazing. I'm Harvey by the way"'

"Y/N nice to meet you and thank you so much. Wait were you in TGIs yesterday?" She asked me

"Err yes I was" starting to feel nervous so I change the subject "could you sign my programme?"

"thought I recognised you abs yes of course I can" she smiled, grabbing a sharpie out her pocket and signing next to her face in my programme

"thought I recognised you abs yes of course I can" she smiled, grabbing a sharpie out her pocket and signing next to her face in my programme

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"Maybe see you around harvey" she said as she handed me back my programme, she smiled and turned away

"Wait a second!" As I grabbed back her attention "would you maybe like to for out sometime together?" I nervously asked her

she smiled then replied "of course I would " she picked back up her sharpie and wrote her number in my programme
"Text me sometime" she said and walked to the next people asking for photos

As I walked away from the theatre I had the biggest smile on my face

842 word chapter
I know it was rubbish but pleas leave suggestions <3

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