~miracle (Date night pt 3~

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It had been five months since Christmas, me and Harvey had the best Christmas ever at my mums house. We celebrated Harvey's birthday as well with his parents. And since New Years we decided to start trying for a baby, up to now we've had no luck, two months ago  we stopped trying for a bit, we're ok about it. We haven't told any friends or family yet that we're trying in case anything happens.

Today was Friday the 15th May and it was a normal teaching day for me, doing something I love teaching and helping my students. It was 1:30pm so I'm currently doing private reading with a few students whilst my teaching assistant Mr (Jason) Fletcher reads our class book (Charlie and the chocolate factory) to the rest of the children.

"So darling how do we feel about this now?" I asked my student Will as he finished his session

"I'm feeling better, theses sessions help me to focus reading out loud more" he said to me making me feel happy

"Well that's something good, okay can I have that journal please" I ask as he gives me his reading journal so I can write a comment in it "ok sweetie her you go, ok Will go and join Mr Fletcher so you don't miss much of Charlie bucket" I smiled to him

"Ok thank you miss y/l/n" Will said as he went back into the classroom

I started to write in my planning journal about the students I had just read with and what books I think best suited them. So once I'd finished I walked back into my classroom where I saw Jason having a discussion with them about the book

"Perfect, miss y/l/n we had just finished are we ready to move on" Jason said

I was going to carry on reading but honestly I wasn't feeling the best  so I let my class make some displays for our reading board of different things from the book.

I was sat at my desk with my head in my hands when I heard Jason pull up a chat next to me, so we talked whilst the class were working on their drawings

"How long have you been feeling like this then?" He asked me

"About a week, maybe more" I answered  it sure

"What has Harvey said"

"I haven't told him, haven't told anyone"I said checking the time 2:00pm

"I think maybe you should tell him, lover boy will make sure you feel ok" he smiled and returned to his desk as he worked on a science display.

*time skip to the end of the day*
I had just got home from work with many books to mark which I needed to do by next week. As I was sat in my home office marking books I got a text from Harvey

Harv❤️: hey gorgeous, I'm on my way home now sorry it's later I was at mum and dads Xxx

me: ok no problem I'm only marking some books Xx

As I put the phone down I ran to the bathroom feeling sick, as I put my hair back I was sick in the toilet. Just to be sure I pulled a pregnancy test out of my draw to check

As I waited 3 minutes for the test, all of a sudden my timer went off signalling it was time

' // '

oh my gosh!
I'm pregnant, Harvey's gonna be so happy.
As it was Saturday tomorrow I'm gonna book a scan to see how far along I am, but not take Harvey with me I want to surprise him. So I rang my mum

*phone conversation*

mum- hello darling, is everything okay?
me- hi mum, I'm ok just need to ask if your doing anything tomorrow?
mum- no I'm not, do you need something?
me- yes if it's ok, today I wasn't feeling too good so I got home and took a pregnancy test. Mum I'm pregnant. So will you come for a scan tomorrow with me
mum- oh my gosh darling I'm so happy for you, of course I will, what has Harvey said?
me- he doesn't know I'm gonna surprise him
mum-ok darling I'll see you tomorrow love you
me- love you too bye

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