~strictly curse pt.2~

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so since the show finished me and Harvey have been going out a few times, it's been nice but we've had to isolate quite a bit so when I've been alone in my flat in London, he's been FaceTiming me to make sure I'm ok. But recently one of the fellow professionals Katya moved in with me so we occasionally do loves teaching how to dance.

Tonight I am going round to Harvey's for a drink, he's just moved house so he's asked me round. It was currently 6:00pm and I said I'd be there for 7, so I was getting ready.

And yes Nadiya has been texting me all day about me and Harvey, she thinks we're gonna get married in the future. I just finished straightening my hair so I picked out an outfit

 I just finished straightening my hair so I picked out an outfit

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I put on a jacket and got ready to leave. It was 6:45, and Katya was dropping me off because I'd be drinking.

"KATYA IM READY" I shouted from my room

"IM AT THE DOOR" she shouted back

when I was walking to the door I looked and I had a text from nadiya

Nads💗: Harvey + Y/n❤️ don't be too drunk girly xx

Y/n: nadsssssss🙈I'll try not to xx

So me and Katya were on our way to Harvey's house, we were talking and laughing together. Also organising our next dance lesson on Instagram

"Ok y/n here you go, text if you need me" she said hugging me

"Ok thank you Katya" I hugged her back

I walked to the door and waved at Katya as she drove off, knocking on the door waiting for him to answer. As he opened the door he had a huge smile on his face, and he smelt nice

"Y/n!" He said bringing me into a close hug, and inviting me inside

"Thanks Harvey" I said following him into the kitchen/ living room as they are together

"Want a drink?" He asked

"Sure what do you have?" I answered

"Well I texted janette last night asking what do you drink and she said Pink gin" he answered smiling

"I'll have one of them then" I laughed, he handed me the drink and took my jacket off me and hung it by the door.

As I hung her jacket up I couldn't help but think that there's something I really want to ask her tonight but I'm too scared that she won't feel the same

I walked back into the kitchen and sat next to y/n at my kitchen island getting myself a drink
"so are you doing strictly this year?" I asked her

"definitely, it's my favourite part of the year" she laughed

"Will you have a partner?" I replied

"Not sure" she answered taking a sip from her drink

"Do you fancy a house tour" I asked getting up and taking her hand curtsying sarcastically

"I would love one" she laughed

I was showing y/n around my new house, once I had finished the tour we went back to the kitchen and carried on with our drinks.

"So how long have you been dancing?" I asked her

"Pretty much since I could walk" she laughed "but Latin and ballroom since I was 14, been on strictly since 2019" she replied

"Wow that's amazing, do you teach?" I asked

"Yes I teach at a dance school near the west end area of London, so like actors come and get extra practise" she explained

After another half hour of talking my phone beeped

Janette💃: how's it going? X

me: it's going good, having a nice conversation x

Janette💃: have you asked her? X

me: no x

When I put my phone down I  saw y/n scrolling through her dms, when I just decided to side this it came out of nowhere

"So you got a boyfriend?" I asked initially regretting it

"No, I did but we broke up about week 2 of the last series of strictly" she replied

"how long were youse together" I asked sipping my drink

"About 5 years" she replied as she messed with her fingers "he asked me out when we're just finishing school so we went to prom, then on my 20th birthday he proposed" she sniggered to herself "but he clearly didn't mean it"

"oh gosh, he must have been stupid to let you go after being engaged" I said softly

"He was, he was never at home always out with his mates so I had asked him to stay home more, then started calling me names, he got my hand and threw the ring off" she said just looking at her fingers

"he really is stupid, to do that to such a gorgeous on the inside and out, talented, kind girl" I said walking over and putting my arm around her

"You don't have to say that" she laughed

"But it's true, and Ive known that since we first met" I said hugging her

"Thanks harvey" she looked at her phone "well I best ring katya to come and pick me up, I'm teaching tomorrow" she said getting Katyas contact up

she was about to leave and I realised that I hadn't asked her yet

"thank you harvey" she said walking out the door and getting in the car

After about 30 mins I texted her so she would see it when she got home

I walked in the door and took my shoes off, when I walked into my room I heard my phone beep, it was form Harvey

Harvey🕺💙: will you be my girlfriend?? X

I put my hand over my mouth in utter shock, he likes me back, I squealed as Katya walked in the door. I showed her the message and she did too, straight away she FaceTimed Nadiya to tell her

"Y/n text him backkk" Nadiya said through the phone

"Ok ok, I'll do it now" I laughed

me: I'd love to xx

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