~three becomes four (date night pt 7)~

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2 months ago Lucas turned 2, he's growing up so fast. Today is y/ns due date for our new arrival, but so far today she's been fine no pain or anything so I think baby boy is going to be late

me and y/n are sat in bed putting some bits together for our wedding, we put Lucas in bed about half an hour ago.

"Y/n I've been thinking about something" I said to her

"About the wedding?" She asked

"No about your job" I replied

Y:n was talking the other week about stopping teaching, so she can spend more time at home with Lucas and the next baby but I know she loves teaching but it means she's not at home as much

"ok what was it" she said facing me

"Well I know how you did A- level drama, I thought you could be a drama teacher at high school, the one I looked at for you is only part time so you can be at home more often" I said to her

"Harv, that's a great idea. I'll have to go in to my current school to tell them I probably won't be returning next year and look for interviews, I love you Harvey" she kissed me

"I love you too" I replied

soon later y/n fell asleep on my shoulder, she's fast asleep and I could tell because I saw baby kicking and she only moved the slightest.

I woke up, when I checked Harvey was asleep next to me so I checked the time 2:34am, I couldn't get back to sleep so I went downstairs to get a drink, when I saw Lucas moving around on his monitor, I walked up to his room and switched his light on

"hello baby" I said quietly

"mummy" he said upset

"Awh darling what's wrong" I said sitting on his bed where he was lay down crying

"I had a bad dream"he rubbed his eyes and lay of my lap

"Awh baby, well mummy's here now there's no need to be scared" I said rubbing his arm

"Mummy when's the baby coming" he said putting a hand on my belly

"Soon Lucas very soon" I replied skiing his head "do you think you might be able to sleep"

"I don't know" he replied

"Well let's put woody and buzz on quietly to see if we can get to sleep" I said tucking us under his cover and switching his tv on and putting toy story on

when I woke up I checked the time 7:50am, y/n wasn't next to me. The first thing that come into my head was that her waters had broke so I checked the bathroom, she wasn't there, so I went to Lucas' room and saw her there asleep and Lucas asleep on her shoulder.

I saw y/n waking up so I crouched next to her

"Morning babe" I whispered

"Morning Harv" she said getting up and putting the cover back over Lucas

We walked down the stairs as I made myself a coffee and y/n a tea as she sat down on the couch. When I walked in I saw her on her yoga ball, it's been helping her in this pregnancy but she was rubbing her stomach and breathing heavily

"Darling are you ok" I said rushing next to her and rubbing her back

"Harv..I'm..having..contractions" she said breathing heavily

"I'll ring my mum to come and sit here with Lucas, we need to get to the hospital" I said running up the steps to get my phone

*phone conversation*

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