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"So here in the red carpet today we have y/n y/l/n" the presenter said into the microphone "hello, you look amazing"

"Awh thank you so much, thank you for interviewing me"I said back at her

"So y/n if I'm correct this will be your 4th national television awards" she asked me

"Yes that's correct" I smiled "first nomination this year"

"Well everybody is so proud of you and we have our fingers crossed for you" she said smiling

"Thank you so much" I said walking for more photos

My dress was amazing, I loved it because I felt like a princess walking round getting so many compliments

I am currently an actress in emmerdale, I have been on the show since I was 16, so 5 years now and I've loved every second of it

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I am currently an actress in emmerdale, I have been on the show since I was 16, so 5 years now and I've loved every second of it. But this year I had been nominated for serial drama performance for a story line recently which was making me excited but very nervous.

"Y/n!!" My co star Joe warren plant said when he saw me "looking amazing as always"

"Cheers Joe, you look nice too" I smiled

So me and Joe got a few pictures together before taking our places inside ready for the awards show, then the show opened.

I was opening the Ntas, I couldn't believe it. So many tv icons will be watching me and the public, I'm so excited!!


That was incredible, now it's time to take my seat and watch the show, strictly has been nominated for one so I'm here as part of the team too.

*Time skip a few awards*

"so our next award of the night is serial drama performance. The nominees are:

Danny Dyer- Eastenders
Sally Carman- Coronation Street
Y/n Y/l/n- emmerdale
Billy Price- Hollyoaks"

There was a pause before the envelope was opened...

"and the winner is... Y/N Y/L/N!" She announced

on the screen you could see her face reacting to the fact she'd just won, as y/n walked down the aisle to get to the stage I couldn't help but look at her, she's stunning.

As my name was announced I felt a whole new level of shock, I couldn't believe that I had won, I walked down the aisle to get to the stage and revive my award.

"Thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart for this award, it means so much to me" I said to the 11 million people watching "first of all I end to thank my family, production crew, and everyone at emmerdale especially my on screen boyfriend Joe, it was tough doing a story line like this but we did it together so I wouldn't be up here without you Joe thank you!" I said collecting my award and walking off stage

*time skip to end of show*
many of us here tonight had won awards, but I just could not believe that I was walking away with one.

"Y/nnn!!" I heard my friend janette say

Janette is on strictly come dancing, we have been friends since 2017 when a co star was on the show

"Janette, you look stunning!!" I said as she twirled "and you performing with Harvey on the stage was amazing"

"Thank you girl, you should come meet him, he was asking about you when you walked past us collecting your award" she said to me

"Oh sure I'd love to" I said following her to a bar

my younger sister is a huge fan of HRVY so she's gonna be so jealous😂not gonna lie he's pretty nice looking...

"Harvey, this is y/n" janette said introducing us

"Y/n, it's amazing to meet you" he said giving me a hug "congrats on your award"

"Awh thank you so much, nice to meet you too your performance was amazing" I said smiling

"thanks" he paused "do you want to come speak outside?" He asked me

"yeh sure" he said taking my hand and leading me to a balcony

we sat down on a swinging chair together and started talking

"so how long have you been in emmerdale" he asked me

"since I was 16, so about 5 years" I replied

"so your 21? I'm 22" he said smiling

"Yeh 21, how long have you been singing?" I asked him

"since I was really young, but I posted my first cover when I was 14" he replied

"nice, can I just say my younger sister is a huge fan so I'm constantly hearing you in the house" I said as he laughed

"just can't get enough of me, if you want I'll record a message for her if you like" he said

"that would be amazing, she'll love that" I said handing him my phone

He had finished recording the message so he saved it, quickly them taking a few selfies of the both of us pulling different faces

"send them to me" he said handing me my phone, I hadn't realised by he'd put his number in my phone "I'll see you soon y/n, I'll text you" he said getting up and kissing my cheek.

I smiled as he walked away to the people he was sat with in the show before

"Y/n" my friend Joe-warren said sitting next to me

"Joe, what's up" I replied

"Oh nothing just the fact I know Harvey likes you" he said smirking

"What, Joe why would you think that" I said playfully smacking his arm

"Because I have eyes" he said as we both got up, heading to the taxi to take us home

as we were driving through London my phone beeped

Harvey- where are you? Xx

y/n- in the taxi, had to head off im filming tomorrow xx

so I changed his contact name

Harvey🤍- ah right, well maybe I could ask you for a drink some other time? Xx

y/n- sure xx

Harvey🤍- How about Saturday, pick you up about 8? Xx

y/n- perfect xx

Harvey🤍- It's a date Xx

1021 words

sorry updates haven't been too good, I've gone back to school and I barely have time :(

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