~tour suprise~

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"THANK YOU MANCHESTER" I shouted into the microphone I was holding, stood in the middle of Manchester arena.

As I made my way off stage I high fived each of my dancers

"Well done Harvey that was amazing" my older brother Ollie said to me

"Cheers ol, I'm just tired now better get back to the hotel" I said as I walked to the taxi

I'm currently on a tour which is lasting a month, going all over the uk. I'm really excited because it's amazing to be singing live in front of fans, I have my 5 backing dancers, my manager and my brother travelling with me which is nice. Sadly my girlfriend of 4 years y/n had to stay at home due to work commitments, she works as a hairdresser in a salon about 20 minutes away from Covent Garden in London, but her boss wouldn't let her have a month off as she is one of the main workers. Obviously I miss her so much but when she comes to see the show in London next week I have a surprise

It was currently 6:00pm as I walked through the door of mine and my boyfriends house after a day at work I just wanted to flop down on the couch and watch movies all night.

As I changed out of my hair dye stained  hairdressers uniform into my comfy pyjamas my phone beeps

mum💞: hey darling, how you feeling? Xxx

me: hi mum yes I'm feeling better thank you xx

my mum came for her hair done before, she knows it's tough for me when Harvey's away. It was quite upsetting because I tried to get the time off to go with him, but my manager wouldn't let me have a month off as I had just finished my training, anyway I'm going to see him perform in London next week and I'm very excited as I haven't seen him in 2 weeks.

my phone then beeped again:
mum💞: okay love, big hugs Xx

I just smiled as I walked into the lounge logging into my Netflix to continue my rewatch of friends with the cup of tea I just made.
after about two episodes of friends my phone rung, as my boyfriends name and face appeared on my Lock Screen I couldn't help but smile
*phone convo*
M- hey bubs you ok?
H-hey beautiful, I'm great how are you?
M-good good, erm I'm ok yeh
H- you sure? It's ok not to be
M- Harvey I'm ok trust me, what's up anyway wasn't expecting you to call thought you'd be on the road
H-we've made a stop at the services and I just wanted to speak to my girl
M-awh I love you Harv
H-love you too, sorry babe I've got to go and I'll speak to you tomorrow
M-love you bye
*call ended*

as she ended the call I was paying for the sunrise I had gotten her I really hope she likes it, I miss her so much.

"Was that y/n?" My mum asked me, sh then saw the bag I had "awh harvey she's gonna love it" she said nearly with tears in her eyes

"Yeh she sounded upset but she said it was fine" I replied back to her

"Harvey she's probably finding hard being on her own in the house, and of course missing you"

Now that I think about it, that's probably true

*flash forward a week*
Today y/n is coming to see me live, it's currently 5 minutes until I'm on stage and today I'm feeling more nervous than ever

As I ran to the stage an opened the show with my song 'good vibes' as I saw y/n smiling and singing along, she had her mum and dad next to her. She didn't know but her whole family were somewhere else in the audience.

I had sang a few songs until I had to run backstage to get a drink and put something in my pocket, when I got back to the stage I had something to say

"Hello London, this next song is me because of you and there is somebody in the audience tonight I want to dedicate this next song to, my beautiful girlfriend y/n" I looked at her as she had a huge smile plastered on her face along with her mum and dad "so my gorgeous y/n will you come up on stage so I can sing this song to you" I held out my hand as her mum pointed her to the stairs for the stage. I made my way over to the steps to give my hand to her and a quick kiss.

She had just realised by the time she was centre stage with me that the rest of her family and mine had joined her parents

"my gorgeous y/n, this songs for you" I said to her making her smile, she had happy tears in her eyes
Though the whole song I kept hold of her hand singing to her, occasionally giving her a twirl around until it got to the last verse

'No, oh, I'm only me because of you
I'm sayin' how I feel
I'm just bein' real, yeah
Baby, that's the truth
I'm only me because of you
Oh, no, I'm only me because of you'

As I finished the song she clapped and gave me a kiss,
"I love you Harv so much" she said as she turned away to get to the steps

"Actually y/n" I said as I got her attention back "there's something else I'd like to add" she walked back to me and I took a deep breath

"Y/n y/l/n we have been together since we were 18 years old, and ever since I asked you to be my girlfriend I've been the happiest man on earth. These past few weeks being away from you has made me realise how much I love being with you every day and how much I miss you when we're apart" I pause as she's wiping her eyes of happy tears

"So I guess what I'm trying to say is" as I got the box out of my pocket and went down on one knee "y/n y/l/n will you marry me?" I said as I opened the box almost crying with her

"y/n y/l/n will you marry me?" the love of my life just asked me to marry him
I had my hand covering my mouth out of the shock and happiness

"Yes!" I said as the whole arena erupted into cheers as he slipped the ring on my finger and spun me round. Giving him a kiss

"I love you Harv, but I think you better get on with the show" I said walking to the stairs

Both our mums were crying as was my dad
"we love you y/n" Harvey's mums Nicky said to me

"Aw I love youse too"I hugged her back

"right on with the show!!" Harvey said as he sung his next song, Talk to ya.

I started at my ring then at my fiancé, this was a tour surprise for sure

1229 words
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Next chapter will be a part three to the date night series, I might give it a new name but I can't think of any..please suggest some

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