~unexpected suprise (date night pt 6)~

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So it had been 3 months since I proposed to y/n, we had planned a tiny bit of the wedding such as the guests and y/n has started to think about her bridesmaids.

So y/n is at work today, and me and Lucas were just sat on the couch watching Toy Story for probably the 100th time

"Daddy what's that?" Lucas asked me pointing at the white folder on the coffee table

"That luci is something me and mummy are planning" I replied to him whilst he was snuggled on my lap

"What are you planning" he said getting off and walking over to the table

I picked up him placing him back on my lap "we're planning something called a wedding, where me and mummy are getting married meaning she will have the same last name as us"

"Can I come" he said cheerfully

"Yes you can, your gonna wear a suit, matching with uncle Ely" I said as he smiled

About half and hour later I gave him some warm milk and he fell asleep on my lap, I was scrolling through Instagram as I stroked Lucas' hair hoping he would sleep for longer as he was struggling to sleep at night, when I heard the front door open

So I lifted up Lucas' head, replacing his resting position of my lap to a pillow as I went to the front door to see who it was. It was y/n

"Hello babe" I whispered kissing her cheek

"Is Lucas asleep" she questioned

"yeh he fell asleep watching toy story" I smiled as I took her bag full of workbooks and put them into her office, on her desk I saw plenty of wedding magazines full with post it notes marking what she was planning on.

When I checked the time it was 7:00pm, weird today's gone quick, I saw y/n tucking Lucas into bed and giving him a kiss on the head

"You we're home later today" I said to her

"Sorry I forgot to text you, I was in meetings and marking" she said hugging me

"It's fine, Lucas was asking me about the wedding before" I laughed

"Awh what was he saying" she awed

"he's excited about having a matching suit to Elliott" I laughed

She laughed as we went into the living room with our coffees watching gogglebox, when I noticed that y/n was looking a bit pale

"Babe are you okay, you look a bit pale, and your forehead feels warm" I asked concerned

"I'm fine" she replied but she didn't sound to honest

"How about you get up to bed and I'll bring you some paracetamol" I said taking her cup off her

"Harvey I'm fine" she replied

"Y/n, come one go up to bed I'll bring up paracetamol" I said softly

She nodded as she walked up the stairs going into our room, as I washed our mugs and took her some paracetamol

"Night babe I love you" I said as I kissed her cheek

"Love you too Harv" she said snuggled under the cover

*the next morning*
It was 7:00am, but when I looked y/n wasn't next to me, and when I checked the monitor in Lucas' room she wasn't in there either, so I got out of bed to see where she was

I woke up at 6:54am today not feeling too good, it's currently 7:00am and I was still here, in the bathroom being sick over the toilet I was trying to be quiet so I didn't wake up the boys, when suddenly I heard footsteps

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