~some drinks and your number~

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Hrvys POV

Tonight me and my family are going out for a meal to an Italian restaurant in town, I've not been out for a family meal in a while so im kind of excited, but also kind of want to stay home

"Harv we need to go" my brother said at the door

"Coming, just putting my shoes on" I replied, then making my way out the door and driving to the restaurant

We walked in the restaurant and was greeted by a man

"Hello how can I help you both?" He asked

"Reservation under Cantwell" Elliott replied

"Ah yes, the rest of your party is just over there" he pointed as we saw mum, dad and Ollie at the table. We made our way over and started looking at the menu, but something else caught my eye......

I saw one of the waitresses serving the table next to ours, her long hair in a pony tail and two bits down at the front. A lovely smile. She was truly gorgeous

"Harvey you're staring" elliott whispered to me

"just look at her, she's stunning" I whispered back "what if she serves us" I said to him

"Ask for some drinks and her number" he said back

I just laughed and tried to look back at my menu, but she's still catching my eyes. She placed a plate down on the table and then looked up and our eyes met, she slightly smiled at me and walked back to the kitchen.

"Have you all decided what your having" my dad asked us

"Think so" Ollie replied

"I think Harvey wants the waitress" Elliott whispered

"Shut up" i shoved his shoulder

And then I saw her come out of the kitchen and walk over to our table

"hi my names y/n and I'll be your waitress today, can I get you any drinks" she smiled

"I'll have a white wine" my mum replied

"A beer for me, Elliott, Ollie and are you having in Harv?" My dad said

"No I'm driving, I'll have a coke please" I smiled back

"Thank you ill be back with your drinks" she smiled and made her way to the bar.


I made my way to behind the bar to get the tables order when my colleague came over

"y/n...." She said putting her try down

"Rosieee..." I replied luring a glass of white whine

"That table you were just serving then, the lad with the bleach blonde hair was by far checking you out" she smirked

"He was not" I laughed

"He wasss, girl I can see it" she said as I walked away with the drinks

"Here you go, can I get you anything to eat?" I asked them

They all told me there orders, and then it got the the bleached blonde boy who kept smiling at me.

I collected there menus and walked to the kitchen to place the order.

They were my last table of the night so as there food was being prepared I was helping Joe (my colleague) with some drinks for his tables

"Y/n table 10s foods ready" I heard one of the chefs say so I went and collected two plates and took them to the table


she put down all our food on the table and walked away, so we all tucked into our food.

About half an hour later we paid and got ready to go.

"Harvey I'm gonna go with mum and dad, I'll be home later" my younger brother said to me

"Right, see you later, I'm just billing to the toilet" I said making an excuse so I could hopefully speak to y/n

I went to the toilet and saw y/n stood at the back door on her phone

"Hey y/n" I smiled

"Hey..." she said

"Harvey" I smiled back

"Harvey, what's up" she said

"I just wanted to come and speak to you" I blushed

"Awh that's sweet, do you want to go somewhere else" she asked

"I would but aren't you working," I smiled

"I'm finishing now, we could go for a drink" she smiled

"Sure" I said

We went to a bar about 10 minutes away and spoke to each other, feeling quite open with each other. And then I dropped her off at home

"Thanks Harvey, we should do it again some time" she's smiled

"Absolutely" I said back

She kissed my cheek and got out the car

751 word chapter

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