~new beginnings (date night pt 4)~

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Y/n is currently 7 months pregnant with our little baby, we haven't found out the gender yet because we're keeping it a surprise, today was her last day of work before she goes off on maternity leave. She is quite emotional about it because the class she's currently got has only been with her for 3 weeks but she wanted to be with them for a few weeks so when she returns in may the students will know who she is whilst her teaching assistant will be teaching them.

After school I knew the staff were having a surprise leaving party for y/n as Jason had messaged me so I knew why she would be home later.

I checked the time on my phone 3:30pm, she would be in the staff room by now as my phone rung

*phone call*
m- hello?
j- hey Harvey it's Jason, y/n's teaching assistant
m- oh hey Jason what's up?
j- could you come round to the school, we have a little surprise for you and y/n
m- of course I can, on my way
j- ok see you in a second

*call ended*
So I got to the car and drove to the school where y/n worked, can't wait to see what this surprise is

Today showed new beginnings, it was my last day with my new class before Jason covers them as I will be on maternity leave

as I was about to leave the building and ring Harvey to pick me me up carrying the presents some of my new class members had bought for me as Kelly stopped me

"Y/n I know you want to go home but can you come here a quick sec" Kelly said to me

"Of course I can kels" I said following her into the staff room

"SURPRISE!!"" All off the staff shouted as I walked in, I started to cry happy tears "awh the hormones have gotten you " rebecca the year 2 teacher laughed

"Guys this is so sweet thank you" as Rebecca put on a sash around me saying 'mummy to be'

After half an hour of opening presents and laughing together before I was told there are two surprises and the first was ready

As I looked the door had opened to see my beautiful boyfriend Harvey walk in the door of the staff room smiling. Everybody cheered as I got up to hug and kiss him.

Then Jason stood up to say something "y/n I'm going to miss our little conversations everyday and being our little dream team, so here's a little present from me and our lovely class from last year" as he showed a video

The video was the year 5 students, who were my year 4s last year giving me and Harvey little messages of good luck and well miss you. By the end I was in tears, Harvey leaning in and kissing my head. "Thank you so much Jason" as I got up to give him a hug

"Actually while I'm up here just have a little something to say, I am going to miss you all so much and when little bubba's born I will bring him or her to meet you all. And finally Jason, I know that you are going to be amazing taking over as the teacher so I'm giving you all my luck and love."

As me and Harvey carried all of my stuff to the car to take home I waved at the staff room window before he drove us home.

"Y/n I'm so excited, I can't even tell you how much" as he placed a hand on my bump

"So am I" I said as I placed my hand in his feeling our baby kick.

*a week later*
I was sat on the couch rubbing my bump and scrolling through pictures which Jason had sent me of the classes assembly, when I heard Harvey

"Y/N IVE FINISHED" he shouted because he was decorating the nursery, as we didn't know the gender we kept the walls quite basic

"Y/N IVE FINISHED" he shouted because he was decorating the nursery, as we didn't know the gender we kept the walls quite basic

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"Awh Harv it's adorable I love it" I said going over to him as he placed his arm around me

he kissed my head and made his way into his home studio which we had built so he could work on his music and be with me in case anything was to happen early with the baby. I sat down on the chair across from the crib rubbing my bump

"I'm so excited for you to arrive baby, mummy already loves you so much, and so does daddy." As I felt a kick.

*23:30 24th September*
I woke up in the night as I couldn't sleep when I looked Harvey was fast asleep next to me, I stood up and went downstairs to get a drink. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my stomach, I thought baby was kicking really hard but as I got to my room there was another sharp pain as I felt my waters break.

"Ahh" I said holding my bump

"babe what's wrong" Harvey said waking up and switching the lamp on

"My waters have just broke" I said trying to put some comfier clothes on to get to the hospital

"Erm ok, we'll bubba's only two months early so I think we should get to the hospital he said quickly getting up and changing, grabbing my hospital bag

We had made it to the hospital quickly rushing into the delivery room, as I saw Amy getting ready.

"Ok darling your 10cm you need to start pushing" Amy said rubbing my arm trying to settle me a bit more

"Ok" I said feeling worried

Y/n had been pushing for about half an hour now, she looks so nervous and tired. We weren't expecting baby to come this early we still had 2 more months.

"Ok y/n just one more push and baby's out" Amy said supporting y/n

"Cmon babe you can do it" I squeezed her hand and kissed her head

she pushed one more time and suddenly we heard the cries of our baby

"You did it gorgeous" I said to her kissing her

"Congratulations guys, you have a baby boy" Amy said placing our baby on y/ns chest and letting me cut the umbilical cord

*time skip 7 hours*
we had just rang our parents telling them that they had become parents to a beautiful baby boy, we didn't want to tell them in the night because we wanted a surprise for them. So they were on there way down, we had just finalised the name of our baby boy
💙Lucas Leigh Cantwell💙
born 25th September at 01:48am
6Lb 5oz

our little miracle, and the start of new beginning

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