Way Too Late To Leave | Dsmp

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Type : Dream Smp Fluff oneshot
TW : slight swearing <3

People mentioned/involved : WilburSoot, Ranboo,

Main person/people : WilburSoot and Ranboo
Other : roleplay / minecraft = real life

Story summary : Wilbur practices guitar and Ranboo accidentally notices it and they begin to deep talk lmao

Time Line : Two days after Wilbur and Ranboo had found out that Tubbo works for Quackity now.

One thing before the story starts :
No ships, all friendship <3 C'mon, we all need some Fluff without any serious trigger warning to just take a break from what we're normally used to, so here! Have a little oneshot (not very long sorry 'bout that one <3) about two semi friends hanging. Also, crossing the border is like logging onto another server. It's a headcanon of mine :)

Pov : 3rd person

Alr, let's go

It was a sunny Thursday evening, and Wilbur was carelessly sitting in the sand, feet barely reaching the salty water that every now and then, came towards him. His guitar was tightly held in the man's grip, as he was practicing something. He let out a 'mphf' kinda sound as he messed up again. "Why can't I get this right..?" He muttered to himself as he sighed and looked over at the horizon, taking a break from the surprisingly stressful activity of playing guitar. Wilbur caught a glimpse of a shadow of someone walking in the corner of his eye. He immediately turned, eyes shimmering with concern and worry. "Hey wilbur!" The shadow who soon turned out to just be Ranboo, said, eyes full of thoughtfulness and his voice dripping with positive attitude. "Hi my man, hello Ranboo." Wilbur smiled slightly as he brought his attention back to the beautiful horizon.

Ranboo sat down next to Wil, without any second thought. Wilbur hummed an all too familiar tone as his attention landed back on his guitar. He carefully strummed the metallic strings of his old, acoustic guitar. "up up up down up down.." He muttered to himself, and confusion ran through Ranboo's mind. "Hey wilbur..?" Ranboo asked, shifting his focus away from Wilbur's guitar and onto the horizon. Wil hummed, and looked up at Ranboo, fingers still gently strumming the strings. "Ah, have you ever thought of crossing the border?" Ranboo said, his posture slowly but surely losing its graceful look. "Oh, yea you bet I have!" Wilbur chuckled and put a hand on Ranboo's shoulder, "That's.. A totally normal thing to think about." Wilbur smiled reassuringly patting his friends shoulder.

"Like.. going to another server to see if.. every server has.. our kind of problems?" Ranboo questioned more himself than Wilbur as he gently pushed Wil's hand away. "Yea, dude! All the fucking time." Wilbur responded truthfully, placing his hand back on his guitar. "Hm.. What do you think it's like on,, Hermitcraft?" Ranboo asked, pointing at a blue border rising in the far far distance. "D'you wanna go find out?" Wilbur playfully joked, but there was a hint of seriousness there too. "12am, tomorrow, here? So we startle them?" Ranboo laughed, with an undertone of excitement in his voice. "Hell yeah!" Wilbur joked and they both fell into a fit of laughter. Ranboo hasn't felt this.. good in a.. pretty while. It was 2am at the time conversation started, and it continued until 5am.

"Well.. now it's wayy too late to say I gotta go home to sleep now.." Ranboo laughed as he put his communicator down again. "It's way too late to leave now! It's sunrise in an hour, Ranboo! You really wanna miss that?" Wilbur jokingly turned away, and in all honesty, Ranboo didn't wanna miss this sunrise not for a million dollars. "Of course not! Who do you think I am, Wilbur Soot?" Ranboo joked along and they both laughed. And soon, the sun started to rise. The sky turned to a warm fit of yellow and orange colors. "Woah.." Ranboo gawked at the sunrise. "It's pretty isn't it?" Wilbur hummed and gently strummed the strings of his guitar in a matching chord. *Not as pretty as Tubbo..* Ranboo thought to himself and smiled at the thought of the little goat hybrid.

Wilbur slowly stood up and stretched, and yawned, bringing Ranboo to stand up and yawn as well. "I'll see you at 12?" Wilbur joked and held his hand out to Ranboo. Neither of them knew if the other was taking this as a complete joke or if they meant it. Nonetheless, they were gonna show up anyways. Ranboo enthusiastically took Wil's hand and shook it. Both of them chuckled and went their own ways. What a weird kind of friendship.

[775 Words in Total]
Part 2?

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