Manburg. | ctntduo <33

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Type : Dream Smp Angst oneshot
TW : mentions of 4bus3, d34th

People mentioned/involved : WilburSoot, Quackity, Jschlatt,

Main person/people : Wil & Q
Other : Dsmp roleplay = real life

Story summary : Quackity just k1lled Schlatt and runs into Wilbur in the forest.

Time Line : Manberg vs Pogtopia

One thing before the story starts :
I haven't written in a while so excuse me if this is shitty lol anyways quackbur. Sorry Karlnapity/Schlackity shippers lol also this is like, barely proofread, I wrote this at like 1am lmao

Pov : 3rd person, Quackity centered

Alr, let's go

Quackity's heart dropped as Schlatt's lifeless body fell to the ground in front of him. Immediately, guards were alerted and came rushing to the ruins of the white house. Quackity convinced himself that there was no time for crying right now, so he dropped his bow and started to run in the direction of Pogtopia's forest, a location he had patrolled in many times. As the wind hit his face, tears immediately began to spill. "What The hell!" A guard screamed as he saw the body of their president. Thank prime he still has one life.. Quackity thought to himself. Somewhere a long the way, he slowed down drastically and gasped for air, closing his eyes for a few seconds. Of course, just as he wanted to open his eyes, he crashed into someone else. His immediate reaction was to back off and defensively shield his face.

"..Quackity..?" A voice asked and Quackity hesitantly opened his eyes. It was Wilbur, who stood in front of him, dumbfounded.

"Thank prime it's you!" Quackity exclaimed and let his guard down for a bit. He takes a large breath of air and then felt like collapsing.

"What happened? Why are you out here?!" Wilbur growled and clutched his sword.

"I-..." Quackity stuttered as he remembered what he'd done. "I killed Schlatt.." suddenly, tears streamed down his face again and he clutched his stomach.

Wilbur's eyes widened "Hey! Hey! Look at me. It's okay." Wilbur also dropped his guard and went to hold quackity's hand, because boy oh boy did he look like he was gonna faint.

Quackity flinched at the touch, but then leaned into it. "It was so bad, Wilbur." He burst out and looked up at the taller.

"Was he a bad.. husband?"

"He was awful, Wilbur!" Quackity sobbed, "Everytime I'd do something wrong he'd threaten to hit me or he'd just straight up hit me!"

Wilbur's expression darkened as he looked down on the other. "I.. I'm so.. so sorry you had to go through that.." He pulled Quackity into a hug and let him silently sob into his chest. "Sh... It's okay now.. You'll never have to go back.. I'll be there for you.." Wilbur hummed as he stroked the others hair. His eyes were tearing up, but he wouldn't cry now. It's not his time to cry. I should stay strong for him.. He told himself.

After a few minutes, Quackity stopped shivering and looked up at the other. "Thanks, Wilbur.."

Wilbur laughed, "You shouldn't thank me. C'mon now, let's get you to pogtopia.." Quackity smiled slightly and nodded. They both then walked off into the distance, trying to find their way back to pogtopia.

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