5 Billion Years Come Early | Dsmp

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Type :  Dream Smp Angst oneshot
TW : mentions of TNT, ins4ne-ish behavior,

People mentioned/involved :
TommyInnit, Tubbo_,

Main person/people : Tommy & Tubbo
Other : Dsmp roleplay = real life

Story summary :
L'manberg is gone and it feels like Five billion years come early for Tubbo and Tommy.

Time Line : L'manberg Doomsday

One thing before the story starts :
Five billion years come early is basically like "The world is going to down in five billion years bla bla bla" So when it was L'manberg's doomsday, it felt like the end of the world for Tubbo and Tommy.

Pov : 3rd person but Tommy centric

Alr, let's go 

"Tubbo!!" Tommy calls out into the smoke, sounds of explosions and withers rule the smoke cloud around him. Tears are streaming down his burning face. "TUBBO!!!" He calls out again, a distant scream reaching his ears and a glimmer of hope rises in him. "TUBBO!!!!" He screams again and stops running for a second. In the distance he hears "TOMMY!!"

A figure comes running towards him, his first reaction was to back up and grip his sword, but then the ripped L'manberg president suit and the fluffy brown hair of his best friend appear and Tommy runs towards him. "Tubbo!" They both hug each other and sob into each other's shirts for a second or two. "Tubbo this is the end!! Look around us! We need to run!" Tommy pleads and drags Tubbo in the direction of (what he thinks is) the outskirts of L'manberg.

"Tommy, I can't. I'm the president of L'manberg. I have to help my people or go down with my land." Tubbo smiles sadly at his best friend. Tommy stops and then turns back. "You're right. Let's go." Tommy equipes his shield once again and takes Tubbo's hand. "Okay." Tubbo smiles at Tommy and starts running out of the smoke cloud.

"YOU'RE GOING DOWN" Tommy hears screams and laughter in the distance and reluctantly looks over at Tubbo. "This is the end of a world." He sighs and looks down at his feet. "Tubbo, I forgive you for exiling me. You had to carry the weight of a world on your shoulders. I'm sorry for causing so much trouble for L'manberg." Tubbo only smiles and says nothing. A burning memory replaying in his head.

"Tommy, if Tubbo jumps, would you-" Wilbur didn't get to finish his lecture, Tommy cut him off with an eager YES and proud nods. "If Tubbo jumps, I jump too."

And so it is. Tubbo runs into battle, and Tommy follows. They don't care, they're going down with their home, or come out as heroes. Whatever it is, it is definitely the end of a world. And in the distance, "FIVE BILLION YEARS COME EARLY" is being yelled into the smoke by the people fighting for L'manberg.

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