Mut(e)ual Love | ZelkPvP

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Type : ??? Hurt/Comfort oneshot
TW : power outage, mentions of p4r3nts f1ght1ng

People mentioned/involved : ZelkTheElk (is that his name? Idk, it's been a while,,) MegaPVP

Main person/people : Zelk & MegaPVP
Other : irl AU

Story summary : It's a power outage and Zelk comes over to Mega.

Time Line : irl AU

One thing before the story starts :
Hello!, yes I am aware of the 'recent' "MegaPVP drama", (before anyone asks, I don't know what exactly happened, I didn't look into it too much) ZelkPvP is just one of my comfort ships, so.. Please tell me if Zelk or mega have stated that they are uncomfortable with being in fanfictions/ being shipped! I will also use they/he pronouns for both, because I'm unsure of their pronouns. </3

Pov : 3rd person

Alr, let's go

The black consumed his vision. Mega hummed and sat on the edge of their bed, his lights were slowly but surely turning off. 'power outage' he thought, and was pretty sure of it. Mega jumped slightly as his phone beeped its signature 'hey mega! You got a message! Don't you ignore it' kinda tone.. Of course it didn't exactly say that, that's just what Mega imagined what it would say if it were able to speak. 'why now.. Why'd you have to scare me..' Mega frowned and slowly grabbed their phone.

Hey Mega! Can I come over im kinda scared

Their frown immediately changed to a confused smile, as he read the message. Huh, he never knew Zelk was scared of the dark.., they shrugged it off as probably just panic because Zelk was always alone at home.

Hey Mega! Can I come over im kinda scared

Hi Zelk, yeah sure. You know my address right?

Yeah, thanks, I'll be there in a few minutes

Okay, see you then

Bye Mega! Thank you!

No problem
Mega [draft]


Mega sighed and opened his curtains to let in some ligh-.. It was night. There was no light outside. Hm. Mega internally face-palmed and put their curtains back in their original position, sat back onto his bed and waited for Zelk to arrive. After about five minutes of waiting, he heard someone aggressively knock on his door. Mega frowned and stood up. Slowly, they unlocked the door, and peeked outside. It was just Zelk. No panic needed. Mega let Zelk in and smiled at the taller. "Ohmygod thank you so much Mega, you're incredible." Zelk rushed out and put off their shoes. Mega gave him a quick nod and hummed in agreement.

Zelk stood up and ran towards Mega's room, and Mega steadily followed behind. As they reached his room, they both fell down on their bed and erupted in a fit of giggles. Zelk sounded like a typical class-clown, who just trolled the teacher that they didn't like, while Mega hasn't laughed in a while and sounded raspy, and wound. But neither paid any attention to how their laughter sounded, why would you anyways? Mega was the first to calm down, so he punched Zelk lightly in the gut, so he could calm too. "Sorry, Sorry" he mumbled between laughter and lightly pushed Mega away.

Zelk sat up and held his stomach in pain from laughter. Mega also sat up and pulled Zelk in tight a hug. They hummed a thank you and buried their scar-filled face in Zelk's chest. Zelk giggled and hummed a no problem as they tightened their grip around Mega's back. "I came here because of my parents" Zelk bluntly spoke and looked down at Mega's confused, yet scared expression. "No need to worry though, they just fought a little.." Zelk forced out breathlessly and Mega let out a quiet wince and buried his face deeper in Zelk's chest. "No, Megaa, it's alrightttt" Zelk rubbed some circles on Mega's back and sighed. Mega wished he could speak right now, just for a little. They never really felt the need to speak, but now they do. More than ever.

I suppose Mega could speak. They just don't want to. They never wanted to. He doesn't like his voice. It sounds terrible. Awful. Horrible. And every other bad adjective you could use to describe a voice. They hated Mega for it, so he never spoke again. He doesn't even know if he can properly speak anymore.

Mega choked on air and coughed into Zelk's chest, gripping their sweater. "Mega?" Zelk pushed him away and saw the tears pricking at his (Mega's) eyes. Zelk panicked, "Is everything okay?!" Mega nodded, and the coughing slowly faded, the loose tears slowly running down Mega's cheeks. Zelk let out a breath he knew he was holding, and pat Mega's shoulder, as he wiped away the loose tears. Mega nudged Zelk's arm lightly and Zelk looked them directly in the eyes. Mega smiled, closed his eyes and pulled Zelk closer, to wich they responded with a confused grin and blush spreading all over his cheeks.

"I-.. I l-love yo-you.." Mega whispered breathlessly, their voice sounded raspy and wound, but Zelk didn't care. Their eyes widened and he looked at Mega, "I-.. I love you too, Mega" Zelk choked on his words and grinned at Mega, who just opened his eyes. Mega grinned too and pulled Zelk into a tight hug, both refusing to let go for at least ten minutes, muttering 'I love you's over and over again in each other's ears.

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