Standing, In The Tall Grass | dlsmp

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Type : double life smp hurt/comfort oneshot
TW : mentions of f1r3/sm0k3

People mentioned/involved : Solidarity, Tango, GoodTimesWithScar

Main person/people : Team Rancher <33 (Jimmy/Solidarity and Tango!)
Other :

Story summary : aftermath of Scar burning the ranch

Time Line : between episode 2 and 3

One thing before the story starts :
Title is inspired by Cowboy Dan by Modest Mouse!! Also, I'm listening to Little Pistol by Mother Mother while writing this so, here ya go, do with that whatever you want

Pov : 3rd person but Jimmy centered

Alr, let's go 

Jimmy sat on their bed and looked at Tango, who was sitting opposite of him. His eyes were red from the smoke (I mean, as were Jimmy's) and his expression was a forced frown. Jimmy had never seen Tango this angry before (honestly, he had never seen tango angry at all) and it scared him a little. At least he isn't shivering from anger anymore he thought to himself.

"Sorry." Tango muttered completely out of the blue and his hands turned into fists, "but I'm just really mad." he sighed and looked at Jimmy, searching for comfort.

But there was none. If Jimmy would be honest, he was just as fuming as Tango was. If he sees Scar again he might just-.. No. Jimmy told himself and shook his head. It's my time to be responsible. He looked at Tango, who was scratching his arm as he looked up into the sky.

"I mean, the stars are pretty beautiful, I guess." Tango's voice turned softer and he blew out the torch that was standing next to their bed.

"I suppose they are." Jimmy answered and let out a deep sigh. "I shouldn't've stolen scars horse it was,, stupid."

Tango began to chuckle quietly and looked at Jimmy. "Yeah, that was a pretty stupid idea, huh? But it's fine. At least nobody got killed in the process. Nobody expect Scar tomorrow when I-"

Jimmy leaned forward and put his hand over Tangos mouth. "Shut up and enjoy the stars, moron."

Tango muffled something that Jimmy didn't understand, but he turned to lean backwards, leaving Jimmy in the uncomfortable position he was.

Jimmy tilted his head slightly backwards and smiled slightly. The amount of stars he was able to see was astounding. Where he came from, he could only see a few, but here.. The entire galaxy was visible.

"It looks pretty darn nice." Tango laughed lightly and looked back down at Jimmy and immediately frowned, making Jimmy question if he'd done anything wrong. "C'mon, you sit there like we've never met before." Tango grinned and he pat the little space next to where he was sitting.

Jimmy rolled his eyes, but gladly accepted the offer and crawled over to sit next to Tango. "Are you mad at me?"

Tango's eyes visibly widened, "Why would you think that? No, of course I'm not! I'm mad at Scar for overreacting that's all. I could never be mad at my farmhand!" He laughed.

"Excuse me? Farmhand? You don't even pay me!" Jimmy snorted and punched Tango's arm lightly, realizing that was a bit too harsh and clutching his own arm.

"Ow man!" Tango giggled as he wrapped his arm around Jimmy's shoulder.

Jimmy smiled up at him and relaxed visibly. "Thanks for existing." he said and leaned onto Tango's shoulder.

The other didn't respond, only lightly chuckled and closed his eyes, slowly but surely falling asleep to Jimmy's heartbeat and constant mooing from the cows in the background.

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