A very pissed off Lee

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I put some distance between us so I could look in her eyes.

"Why are you sorry?" I raised an eyebrow in the darkness.

"I'm sorry you couldn't have a happy normal girlfriend." She stated.

I sighed in relief and snuggled back in her chest. "That's the thing. I don't want a normal girlfriend. I just want you."

She cradled my cheek with her hand and I leaned into her touch. I was enjoying her touch. "You won't be saying that in the morning. Just please let me explain."

"Its okay babe. I'll listen to whatever it is. Why won't you tell me now? I won't judge."

"Because there's a small chance that your father doesn't know anything. Maybe he's just bluffing."

"But why can't you just tell me!" I shouted.

"Belle we've been over this. Let's just sleep." She pecked my pouted lips.

I sighed and mumbled a small okay. Lee wrapped her arms around me and snuggled her face in the crook of my neck. Just like that, I feel into a blissful sleep.


I woke up to find my body tangled with Lee. Our legs were tangled like vines and my thigh was placed between her legs just below her sex. Her face was no longer in my neck, but her arms was loosely wrapped around my waist.

I laid in her embrace for a while because I was afraid. Afraid of what I might discover about her. I traced patterns of circles on her stomach and Lee grumbled.

"Stop, that tickles."

I tickled her faster.  She started laughing hysterically until she had tears in her eyes.

"Belle, you will regret this." She said and she flipped us so I laid under her with her hovering over me. Her brunette hair flowed around us like like a curtain.

She tickled me viciously.

"Lee! S-stop! I-im sorryyy!!" I wheezed out through fits of giggles.

"Tell me you won't do it again." She taunted, pausing on tickling me.

"Never!" I stuck out a tongue at her.

"Oh yeah?" She raised a perfectly shaved eyebrow at me and then continued to tickling me.

"Okaayyy! I-I won't do it a-again!" I laughed.

She stopped an pecked my lips. "Tell me you love me." She smirked.

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at her. Her pout deepened. I grinned and pulled her by the front of her sports bra and kissed her. She slipped her tongue over my bottom lip which I denied.

She pulled back an frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I don't want to kiss you with my morning breath." I mumbled.

She kissed my forehead. "It doesn't matter to me babe."

"It matters to me." I said while jumping out of the bed running out to the bathroom. Just before I shut the door, I heard Lee let out a chuckle.


After taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I went downstairs to see dad downstairs drinking coffee, he was dressed up.

"Going somewhere?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Work." He paused then added. "About your girlfriend."

I cut him off. "Rylee, her name is Rylee." I corrected him.

He cleared his throat. "About Rylee, she isn't who you think she is."

I tried to keep my face void of any emotions. "Continue."

"I did some research and I discovered that she's a drug dealer." He finished.

My mouth parted at this. What? A drug dealer? She does drugs! What!

"Every kid does that a little. I mean what's a little drugs gonna do?" I shrugged.

"Thats not it, Anna, she also kills people."

I think my heart stopped beating. I felt tears well up in my eyes. "I don't believe you." I huffed.

He threw some papers in front of me but my eyes were too blurry from the tears. I couldn't see. How could she do this to me?

He pulled me into a hug and I buried my face in his chest.  "I'm sorry angel. I have to go to work now. We'll talk later." He kissed my forehead and left.

I felt so overwhelmed and betrayed. I decided not to talk to her while I was mad, so I stayed downstairs. A few minutes later, Lee came downstairs fully dressed. I was calm but as soon as I saw her the anger flared up in me and I lashed at her.

"It never stop, does it?" I snapped.

"What doesn't stop?" She asked, confused.

"THE LIES!" I broke down in tears again. She sighed and tried to hug me but I pushed her away.

"Belle, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, but." 

"But nothing! How could you not tell me that! I'm your fucking girlfriend!" I yelled.

She grabbed my hand. "Calm down. Are going to wake your mom? Just let me explain. I'm so sorry. I'm really fucking sorry, Belle. I love you so much, l-lets just talk about this."

I tried to grab my hand back but she held on tighter with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Let me go!"


"What? Are you going to kill me too?" I spat. As soon as the words left my mouth, Lee's grip loosened and she let me go. She had a look of disbelief on her face with her mouth partly opened. She shook her head and started for the door.

She was outside and heading to her car when I shouted. "Do you always run away when things get hard?"

She stopped and shot me a hard glare. "I'm not running away because things are hard. You didn't even allow me to explain. Its surprising how quick you are to judge especially when you said you wouldn't lastnight." 

When she realized I wasn't going to say anything she started walking towards her car again. She was right infront of her car door when I asked "Why are you leaving?" 

She ran a hand through her hair and glared at me. There was evident anger in her eyes. "I'm leaving because I really to smack some sense into you for being so fucking close minded." And without another word, she got into her car and sped off.

Sorry it's so short!
As always, I never edit xD
Tell me what you think lovesss!

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