Chapter 12: Pain

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Annabelle's POV

I woke up and felt a tiny weight sprawled on top of me, then I saw the tiny body and black hair. It was Rhain. She had a nightmare last night and she was scared so she came into my room. I shook her a bit and her green eyes met mine. She was a little grumpy in the mornings like Haylee but not that much.

"Leave me alone, Anna." She mumbled, rolling over and going back to sleep. I chuckled.

I made my way downstairs after I got dressed to see mom and dad with Haylee eating French toast. "Morning." I mumbled and took out a bowl and filled it with Fruit Loops. I looked in the refrigerator and groaned. "Couldn't you tell me there was no milk?" I glared at Haylee.

She laughed, "So you could learn the hard way like me. Come have some toast."

"So do you like that Rylee girl? She seems like a great kid." Dad said.

I rolled my eyes "You're only saying that cause she's rich, dad." He chuckled "No honey. Be with whoever makes you happy." He said and smiled a genuine smile.

We arrived to school early just in time to hear the bell ring. I had been thinking about Lee. And that kiss. And I couldn't wait to see her so we could do it again. Haylee and I walked hand in hand to class and took our usual seats. Jace and Lee's seats were empty.

When the class started, they still weren't here.

So it was confirmed that Jace and Lee weren't coming today because I was in my last class with Haylee. "Hey Haylee, have you heard from Jace?" I whispered to her.

"No, but I'm stopping by his house after school." She whispered back. I nodded.

After school we made our way to Lee's house. We knocked on the door and Jace looked at us as if he saw a ghost. "Why weren't you at school today? You didn't even call or text me. I was worried sick!" Haylee ranted, poking him in the chest.

I made my way past them and went up the stairs and if I remembered correctly her room was...

This one!

I opened the door and the image I saw broke my heart. Lee was in her bed sweating hard and a bandage wrapped around her ribs. She had a busted lip and a partially black eye. "Jace," Lee groaned, "My back hurts." She said with her eyes closed. I made my way over to her and sat at the edge of the bed.

"What happened to you?" I asked barely above a whisper. Her eyes shot open and she jolted upright but then winced from pain and lied back down. She exhaled loudly.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"What happened to you?" I demanded.

She swallowed thickly "I walked into a pole. No biggie." She said then laughed.

"That's not funny! This is not funny Lee!" I shouted. I was getting emotional.

"And why do you care? Huh?" She quizzed.

I stuttered "B-because your my friend." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Yeah, I'm your friend."

I rolled my eyes "Friends care about each other, Lee."

"When will you fucking stop? When will you just admit you have feelings for me, Belle. I'm sick of your goddamn games! What was that in the car then? Was that something friends do?" She ranted.

"No, but-" I started.

"Kiss me." She stated. I looked at her confused.

"Tell me what happened first."

She sighed "My dad and I had a little fight."

"Little fight? This looks like you need to go to the hospital!" I yelled. She looked at me with a bored expression on her face.

"Just shut up and kiss me." She demanded. I kissed her forehead and she pouted. "You never give me what I want."

"Do you want anything to eat?" I asked her. "Yes actually. I want you. Come sit on my face." She winked.

I laughed, "Even when you're like this, your still a flirt."

It was getting late and I was getting sleepy. Lee and I have been watching movies for hours straight. I yawned. "Tired?" She asked me. I nodded, "Yeah. Where can I sleep?"

She patted the space beside her."With me," she stated, smirking.

"You sure? What if I roll over and hurt you? I'm a cuddler." I admit sheepishly. "Well the pain will be worth it. You can take a set of pajamas out of my drawer right there," she said, pointing to the top drawer of her dresser.

I took out a basketball shorts and a big T-shirt. "Where can I change?" I asked.

She gave me Cheshire cat type of grin, "You can change in here." She stated. "No Lee." I mumbled. I was very insecure about my body.

"Come on, please? Look at me. I'm broken. Give me a little entertainment." She pouted.

Did she just ......POUT?

"Okay, I'm only doing it cause you look so cute when you pout." I stated. I turned my back to her and took off the shirt then my shorts, so I was standing in my bra and underwear. "Come on, turn around." She said. I laughed, "You're such a pervert, Lee." I said as I put on the basketball shorts then the big T-shirt.

I climbed in the bed with her. "Will you go on a date with me?" She asked cutely. I giggled and nodded, "When you get better, okay?" She nodded.

Soon after, I listened to her breathing until it got heavier, indicating that she was sleeping. I whispered "I like you too." Then I turned my back to her and fell also in a deep slumber.

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