Hanging With Rylee Contd.

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EDIT:  This is a repeat chapter. You can skip if you already read chapter 5. Some persons couldn't see Chapter 5 so I reuploaded it.

She ran and caught up to me "What are we gonna do about the project?" She asked.

I honestly didn't know what we were going to do. Haylee always did all of the work. "Um, Belle?" Rylee said waving her hands in front of my face. "Oh, um can you come over to my place later? So we can work on it ?" I questioned. She bit her lip in concentration.

Oh my god. Her lips.

Be quiet!

Your not gay.

Your not gay.

Your not gay.

I chanted over in my head. "Is this your twisted way of getting me alone in your house?" She asked, raising one of her eyebrows. Instead of answering, I blushed furiously. We were still in the hallway, so I hastened my steps only to be dragged back and pushed up against the lockers "Don't worry, your extremely sexy when you blush." She whispered huskily in my ear.

Your not gay.

Your not gay.

Your not gay.

"Rylee, I'm not gay." I said barely above a whisper, I'm surprised that she even heard it. "Are you trying to convince me or yourself that?" She asked and with a smirk, she walked off.

What the hell just happened!

I went into the class and the teacher wasn't there. What's up with teachers and always being late? I went and sat down as far away from Rylee as possible but my action went in vain when she came to sit beside of me. "What time should I be there?" She asked curiously.

Her eyes flicked to my lips then back up to my eyes in less than a second, then they settled on my lips again.

She looked like she was having an internal battle with herself. Then she took her bottom lip between her teeth. "Um, a-after school sounds g-good?" I stuttered.

Great job. Why do you always stutter! Ugh!

She nodded and faced the front as the teacher came in. I don't think I'll every learn anything in any of my classes as long as she's with me. Right now I'm dying for lunch time to come. After one hour and twenty minutes of torture, the bell finally rang.


I packed up my things and went to my locker to wait for Haylee, after 15 minutes I just gave up and went to lunch.

Sorry Haylee but I'm hungry.

I went in the line and ordered two pizzas and a box drink. But then the image that I saw broke my heart into tiny little pieces and angered me. On the other side of that cafeteria were Haylee and Jace with Kristen sitting in Rylee's lap.

What the actual fuck ?

I plastered a fake smile on my lips and sauntered my way over to them. I placed my lunch on the table. "Hi guys." I heard various responses of 'Hey, Hi, Wassup.' Then Kristen said "There are no more chairs." I smiled "That's okay," I pulled up a chair from a random table. "Oh sorry, do you want one too?" I pulled up another chair so she could get the fuck off of Rylee's lap and sit on an actual chair.

Are you jealous?

No I'm not.

Yeah, you are. no

"Thanks." She replied but it sounded a little forced. I looked over at Rylee and she had a slight smile playing on her lips as if she knew what I did and why I did it. Before things could get awkward Haylee spoke up "Sorry I didn't meet you at your locker. Jace couldn't find the cafeteria." Rylee scoffed, "He can't find anything." I laughed. "Its okay, Haylee."

"Oh! This is Jace, my partner." She introduced him to me. I exhaled "The one and only Jace. I hope your one hell of a good partner cause she ditched me for you." Jace flashed me a smile "Of course I am." We all laughed and talked about random things.

The rest of the school day was uneventful and we were on our way home. Kristen left and Rylee and Jace were coming over to our house cause we had the project to start. After giving directions they pulled up to our house. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. I guess it was average.

"Nice place." Rylee complimented as we walked into the house. Mom and dad werent home yet so we had about an hour before the came home. I literally dragged Rylee all the way up to my room but not before shouting over my shoulder that we were gonna start the project now. As I let go, Rylee asked "Eager much?"

I rolled my eyes "No." She laughed "Yes, you want to rid me of my innocence." It's now my turn to laugh. "Your not a virgin anymore." I said, stating the obvious. She showed fake hurt "Of course I am! My virginity grew back months ago."

I rolled my eyes.

"You just want me in your bedroom." She lowered her voice as she backed me into the wall and put her hands on either sides of my face "So like how I'm here, what do you want to do?" I bit my lip and she groaned and closed her eyes. "Don't do that." She commanded. I giggled. Her eyes shot open "Did you just .... giggle?" I nodded. She backed off of me and ran a hand through her hair and muttered "This is gonna be a long day."

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