Chapter 4: New School

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Rylee's POV

After mom passed away from cancer, my dad took it pretty hard. Why does cancer always take the ones we love away from us? It's not fair. Cancer should get cancer and die.

As I was saying, dad took it hard and to make it worse, his job transferred him to Florida. For me, a fresh start would be great.

I was currently in my room, dreading the fact that I would have school tomorrow. Boxes were all over my floor cause I was to lazy to pack out anything. Jace walked in my room with two boxes of Chinese food. I can cook, but today was our lazy day so we ordered take out.

"Stop sulking around like a loser. You're depressing me with your negative energy." He chided me. Jace was my best friend. He had black shaggy hair and brown eyes. He was muscular and was tall at like 6 ft while I'm 5 ft and 9 inches tall.

After my mom died, he kind of helped me get back on my feet. We met at a club filled with hot girls. From ever since he tried to flirt with me and I told him I didn't bat for his team, we just kinda clicked. We hit it off ever since almost instantly. I'm really open about my gayness. Love is love. You don't like it? Well fuck you.

"No," I whined. "Let me sulk."

He put the box food on the table and left the room, but not before hollering, "Your ass better be up tomorrow morning!"

"Whatever!" I hollered back.

I was jolted awake in the morning when I felt weight on me. And I started to panic while tears brimmed my eyes. My throat closed up and I couldn't breathe.

"Whoa dude, calm the fuck down. It's just me!" Jace hollered at me while getting off.

I glared at him "You can't do shit like that! You know what happened to me! What the fuck is wrong with you, man?" I shouted, feeling distressed.

"I'm sorry. It thought you were over that." He said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and got off the bed and went to the bathroom. "No I'm fucking not." I muttered.

After getting dressed I ran downstairs. "Where's dad?"

"Business meeting." He said while stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Oh yeah, right." Dad was hardly ever home that's another reason why I had Jace, to keep me company and always be there for me. He practically lived here.

I saw him grinning and I rolled my eyes. "What now?"

"We're matching." He said beaming brightly, pointing to my shirt then his. I had on a T shirt that said 'FORK YOU' and his own said 'NO, FORK ME'.

"What a coincidence, great minds think alike." I said. "I just hope people don't think we're a couple."

He gasped loudly, "I'm way out of your league honey." He said snapping his fingers.

I laughed and ate the pancakes he made "These are really good." I said with my mouth full. "C'mon , we're gonna be late." He said grabbing his keys.

"Don't worry about me, I have Rae." I said referring to my motorcycle.

He looked at me, unamused. "No, you are not driving that thing on the first day."

After much arguing and reluctance, I finally gave in and let him carry me to school. It wasn't that I didn't like cars, cause his car was one of the latest ones, I just preferred having the breeze blowing through my hair. Is that too much to ask?

"And now for the grand finale." he muttered, speeding into the school compound. I smirked because of all the people that were looking at us. We came out the car and everyone was still starting at us. But I was intrigued by the blonde twins and the brunette that were gaping at us. We went to the front office to get our schedules and slips and a map of the school. We checked the schedules and Jace and I only had the first class together.

"Fantastic." I mumbled. As Jace and I walked through the packed hallways, people were whispering and staring at us. Some even moved out of the way. Some girls were even biting their lips flirtatiously and batting their eyelashes. Finally the bell rang and everyone scattered out of the hallways.

"C'mon Jace, where's our class?" I whined.

"I don't know." he said sheepishly. I grabbed the map and sighed. "It was upside down, you dickhead! And now we're late." I ranted.

We finally arrived to class and I apologized for being late and I sat next to the hot blonde I saw earlier.

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