Wasn't it the best?

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When school was over, I was still a bit uneased. Should I tell Lee about it? Maybe it's just a prank. I won't even bring it up. I was in front of my locker with the note in my hand. Then someone grabbed it away and my head snapped upwards to glare at the person.


"Boink! What's this? A love letter?" She cooed, unfolding it.

I grabbed it away from her "No! It's not." And I put it behind my back. Seeing my attitude she said "Belle, what's that?" She's getting serious. UGH.

"Nothing." I looked down at my shoes.

"I thought we had no secrets or lies?" She asked me.

I scoffed "You're one to talk." I closed my locker.

"What?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

I stepped up to her "I said you're one to talk! You're so secretive! You won't even open up to me! And I tell you everything! Ugh." I ran my hand through my hair. Yes I pulled out the braid during the last class.

She looked around, a crowd was starting to form due to my small outburst. The must be expecting a break up from the school's must popular couple. I laughed bitterly at that. "What the fuck are you guys looking at?" Lee glared at them, causing them to scatter all over the halls. She grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the big double entrance doors of the school.

"Let me go!" I started clawing at her fingers. Soon after we were in the car and I crossed my arms over my chest and kept a frown on my face the entire time. Who does she think she is? To be forcing me in her car and shit.

She had her hands on the steering wheel and had her head resting on her hands. She finally broke the silence. "Where did that come from?" She asked barely above a whisper.

"Where did what come from?" I played dumb.

"Dont act stupid." She spat.

"Are you calling me stupid?" I asked incredulously.

"You said it, not me." She shrugged.

That's it. I tried to pull the doors but she used the little buttons on the driver side to lock my door. I hate that! It gives the driver too much power. I was about to unlock it manually when she said "Stop."

I turned to her and cocked an eyebrow "What? You weren't done insulting me? I'm sorry if you weren't done, but I'm done listening." With that said, I unlocked the car and got out.

In an instant she was out of the car and in front of me, trapping me between her body and the car. Those icy blue eyes held so much anger as she glared at me with her arms outstretched on both sides of my body.

"If you have something to say, say it." She spat out.

I averted my eyes and started to play with the buttons on my sweater. "Annabelle" she drawled out in a warning tone. She must be really angry because she never uses my real name.

"You and Haylee were being really weird lunch time, like something happened that I don't know about." I mumbled. "And you never told me where you were before class cause you came late."

She narrowed her eyes into slits "So what are you implying, Anna?" She asked, putting emphasis on Anna. I shrugged.

"Nothing, I just wanted to know where you were."

Lee sighed and back off the car, without another word she went in the car and I did the same.

"That's what you wanted to know? I went to the nurse" she said with a little difference in her voice. I looked at her and it looked like she was in pain. She was lying. I sighed "Okay, take me home."

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