The new side of Belle?

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"LEE!" I yelled again, but the line went dead. I groaned. Maybe Lee was playing, I shrugged off that feeling. I was helping Rhain fix up her room for the tea party she was going to have with Lee. She was so excited. She never put in this much effort whenever she's having a tea party with me.

I sat on her bed as I groaned. I heard little running footsteps and a tiny body jumped on me. Rhain looked at my face "What's wrong, Anna?" She asked while scrunching up her nose. I kissed her forehead."Nothing, just worried." I said and got up, leaving her on the bed. "Worried about what?" She asked, tilting her small head to the side.

"About Lee." I muttered to myself. I took up my phone and called her again and it went straight to voicemail. Rain was still pouring heavy outside. I ran into Haylee's room. I covered my eyes when I saw her in her bra, on top of Jace.

"You know I admire your timing." She said sarcastically while putting on her shirt. She walked over to me "What is it?" She asked with a sigh.

I look back at Jace and his eyes were still glazed over from lust. "I think Lee is hurt. I don't know." I mumbled. In an instant, Jace was next to me gripping my hand and staring at me. Lust was no longer evident in those brown eyes.

"What?" He asked again.

"I said I think Rylee is hurt!" I yelled because I was starting to get worried and frustrated.

"She called you?" Jace asked hurriedly. And I nodded.

"But she only said Belle. Then she started stuttering then the line went dead. I could hear the vehicles honking and rain loudly. She was probably outside or something. I dont know!" I yelled, gripping my hair and started pacing.

Jace grabbed his things and ran out of the room. We followed after him. "Where are you going?" Haylee asked him.

"To look for Rylee."

"You dont know where she is. She could be anywhere!" Haylee yelled.

"I have to try!" Jace yelled back. "Thats my bestfriend out there!" 

"Then we're coming with you" I joined in. We were all in the car when Haylee remembered Rhain "Shit shit shit!" She ran into the house and came back with a very confused Rhain on her back.


We were looking for Lee for about 30 minutes but Jace wouldn't give up, we checked the school and everywhere. Haylee spoke up "I mean, are you sure Anna? Maybe Rylee was messing with you."

My eyes were on the road while I answered her "It didn't sound like a joke to me." I mumbled while Jace and I seareched the streets. 

"Anna, I'm hungry." Rhain whined.

"You'll get something to eat soon." I reassured her for the third time. We weren't going home until I found my girlfriend. I thought I saw something, I squinted my eyes. "Isn't that Lee's bike?" I asked stupidly.

Jace eyes trailed to where my shaking finger was pointing. And at a small distance from the motorcycle was Lee. "LEE!" I screamed, banging on the windows. Jace abruptly pressed the breaks and our bodies launched forward and was slammed backward forcefully. Thank you seatbelts.

Jace didn't waste a second before he was out of the car and running to Lee. I followed closely behind him but at a distance. When he picked her up I saw her face, dried blood was plastered all over her forehead. She looked so pale and lifeless. In that moment everything stopped. My breath hitched and time seemed to freeze where reality dawned on me.

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