Oh you have no idea!

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So we pulled up at my house and it was just Jace, Haylee and me along with Lee. After we thanked Roxanne and Sophie for the wonderful stay, Roxanne volunteered to take Amber, Ashley and Jasper home.

So here we were as I sat in Lee's car playing with the little button things. She chuckled "Why are you so touchy?"

"I'm not." I snapped. I was really frustrated. Ugh!

"Aww, is someone sexually frustrated? Want me to make it better?" She leaned over and whispered in my ear.

I shuddered at that. "Don't do that." I slapped her. "You're going to make it worse." I glared at her when she laughed at me.

"Wanna come over then?" She suggested with a smirk.

I was about to accept when someone said "No she can't."

I froze when I head that voice. Dad. I groaned. He never did actually give me the talk and I'm hoping he doesn't remember.

"Uhm, okay sir. I'll see you at school tomorrow, Belle." Lee said nervously.

I smiled and leaned in to give her a peck on the lips but she turned her head and my lips came in contact with her cheek. I didn't blame her. My dad was standing right there staring at us. "Text me." I mumbled to her irritably.

I got out of he car and walked passed my dad, making sure to bump my shoulder against his. He can't give me a break! He's becoming extra clingy lately and I wonder what's bothering him.

I went inside and I was attacked by my little monster. "Belleee!" Rhain squealed while hugging my legs. I chuckled then lift her up to kiss her cheek. "Hey pretty girl. Did you miss me?" She nodded her head vigorously and kissed my cheek back.

I smiled at her gesture "Grandma says she wants to see you. She helped me bake a cake in my easy bake oven." I looked over at mom who was staring at us lovingly. "Hey mom." I greeted her with Rhain on my left hip.

"Hey honey. Its good to see that you and Haylee are okay. This part of the town didn't really get affected by the storm." She said while placing plates on the table.

Haylee came in and Rhain wiggled out of my grasp to run over to Haylee. "Haylee, I missed you." She said cutely then kissed her cheek. I rolled my eyes.

I remembered I told Lee to text me but my battery died. I ran upstairs to plug it in then I plopped down on my bed. Then all the events of today kept rushing back to me. I felt my face heat up when I remembered that I slipped my hand in Lee's boxers. And her face, she looked so nervous.

"Reminiscing something?" I heard a voice say. My head snapped towards the door to discover Haylee standing there with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at her. "Yes, no. Whatever shut up." I rambled.

My phone vibrated.

One new message

My heart sped up when I saw her name and I instantly smiled. Haylee scoffed "I hope you smile at my messages when I text you."

Lee: Hey babe ;) I'm home.

I quickly typed back a reply.

Me: Good to know that you're safe.

Lee: I miss you already :'(

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