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"Okay, what the actual fuck?"

"What's going on? Are you two together?" I spat.

Diamond looked at me. "Are you blind?" She smirked.

"But, I asked you if you were apart of the whole Leroy thing and you screamed at me for doubting you. Looks like I should've."

Her eyes softened for a split second that I almost didn't see it. "You are so gullible Rylee."

"What about your daughter?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Leave her out of this." Diamond growled.

"Would she be happy to know that her mommy is doing very bad things?" I smirked.

"Shut up!" She smacked me.

My head snapped to the side. "Was that really necessary?" I groaned in pain.

She smirked and shrugged. She stepped back and Roxanne wrapped her arm around her waist.

"As I was saying." Leroy but in.

"Wait. Which trap did I fall into?" I asked, rememberinbg I heard Jake say that.

"Well the original plan was to just kidnap Belle and keep her here until you came for her. But Roxanne here wanted to be smart and fucked her. But it got you here regardless, so I'm not judging." Leroy shrugged.

"You sick fuck." I spat. "What's this all for? Are you that desperate for me to come back?"

He chuckled. "Well, yeah. I mean, your pretty good. Everyone I told you to get rid of, you got rid of them."

I cringed. "Like I said, I'm not going.

"Well, its your choice. Not mine." Leroy shrugged and aim the gun at my head. I didn't dare look at Belle. I couldn't.

"Why don't you make it a fair fight, huh?" Jace spoke up for the first time.

"Excuse me?" Leroy asked.

"Do you really have to tie her up, just to kill her? I mean." He scoffed. "Are you that weak?"

"I'm not weak, you prick." Leroy defended.

"Prick, what are you 5?" Jace slapped his knee and laughed.

"Jace" I warned in a condecensing tone.

"What? He called me a prick." He guffawed.

"Alright. I'll show you. Untie her Roxanne." Leroy said and I grinned internally. Please please untie me.

Roxanne hesitated. "But boss-"


Before I knew it I was untied. My wrists were bloody. And I felt relieved.

In a flash I was up against the wall with Leroy's throat in my hand. No one dared to interrupt us.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" He wheezed out.

With that, I grabbed the gun from his grasp and released him.

"You aren't going to shoot me. And we know it." Leroy smirked.

I gripped the gun harder. "And why would I hesitate?" I spat.

"Because I'm your brother." He grinned when he heard gasps echoed throughout the room.

I laughed. "That's a good one. I never took you for the comedian type." I chuckled and wiped away the invisible tears.

My smile faded when I noticed he was being completely serious.

"Oh come the fuck on. You aren't my brother. My mom died." I narrowed my eyes.

He guffawed. "I know but you should have seen your face."

I sighed out a breath of relief. Is he was my brother, I don't know what I'd do.

Due to my momentarily hesitation, he wrestled me for the gun. He grabbed it and I was about to tackle him when he pointed at Belle.

"Why not? Why would you rather die?" He spat at me.

"It's better than taking innocent lives. It's better than selling drugs. All I'm saying, I'd rather die than be even near you. I depise you. You make me sick. I hate you." I growled.

"But you'd be with me." He sputtered. He seemed to get angrier. "You don't hate me, you don't mean that." He shook his head furiously.

I raised a very bruised eyebrow. This is amusing. "Cut the shit, Leroy. It sounds like your in love with me or some shit."

"He is." Roxanne said, then clamped her hand over her mouth with wide eyes.

Gasps were heard across the room for the second time. Holy shit. My mouth fell out into an 'o'

Leroy went pale and Roxanne shook her head furiously. "I didn't, I didn't mean to-"

Her sentence was cut off by a gunshot. Followed by Diamond's wails.

"What the fuck!" Diamond screamed.

"It's just in her shoulder. She'll get over it." He shrugged.

The room was silent otherwise from Diamond's crying and Roxanne mumbling to her that she's fine. Leroy didn't dare meet my gaze and I felt kind of awkward. He was in love with me?

Suddenly all the little signs when I was back home clicked. He would always call me to do uncessary things. And being his personal assassinator, I was around him 24/7. Holy shit, how did I not see this?

"You love me?" I asked him in a firm tone.

His eyes flashed to me then at the ground. And this was a very serious situation. What I said right now could make me or break me. It was crucial. But being the immature person I was, I laughed.

I threw my head back and laughed so hard tears came to my eyes. "Leroy, I'm flattered. But if it wasn't quite obvious, I'm very gay."

"Don't knock it until you try it." He smirked.

My mouth fell out in a 'o' once more. I was hoping he'd deny it. But it just proves to me that he really loves me. Well fuck my life.

"That's the real reason you want me to come back." I whispered, realization dawning on me.

Jace spoke up. "I knew it."

Leroy smirked. "That among other reasons."

"Well I'm sorry. I'm in love with Belle. And dude, I'm fucking gay. I'm not bisexual or pansexual. I'm gay meaning I only like puss-"

Jace cut me off. "I think he gets it Rylee."

I stood up straight. "Well."

"Let's just get rid of her then it will be okay." He smiled wickedly.

"Leroy, I swear to God. If you touch her."

"Now now." He took off the safety. "Look at the damsel in distress." He cooed watching Belle intently.

Belle was surprisingly calm, despite having a gun in her face.

"Leroy. Calm down. She has nothing to do with this." I tried to compromise.

His hold tightened on the gun. "She made you weak. Because of her, you don't want to do your duties. You don't want to come back!" He yelled, now seemingly more pissed as ever.

"Is that the real reason? No! Your selfish! What you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"Wouldn't hurt, you know?"

I looked at Belle then back at Leroy. I couldn't let him hurt Belle. I couldn't do this to her or Haylee or even her family. And what would Rhain do without her big sister. I sighed. I could suffer a broken heart, but could she? At least she will live. "Okay, I'll come back then."

"No." He spat, training his eyes on Belle. "It's too late."

Then he pulled the trigger.

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