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"I cant believe you made me do this." Lee muttered as we went to our first class after lunch. We were like 20 minutes early cause Lee could not handle the stares from everyone.

I giggled as I slung my arm lazily across her shoulder. No one really made a big deal of me and for that I was forever grateful.

A few passing boys and some butch lesbians whistled at Lee and she openly glared at them.

"Looking good babe." One of the boys winked.

Lee shuddered and gripped my arm, urging me to walk faster.

After we got into the safety of our class, Lee let out a huge breath cause it was empty.

She turned to me "Don't get used to this."

"But you look so adorablee." I said in a baby voice as I pinched her cheeks. She slapped my hand away wih pink cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" I raised an eyebrow then burst out laughing. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"You fucked up my confidence." She pouted.

"No I didn't. I just get to be dominant today." And with a small smirk I pulled her towards me by her hips. I don't know where my new confidence came from, maybe it was the fact that she actually allowed me to have the upper hand.

I smiled as she buried her face in the crook of my neck. I stroked her back sensually as I backed us toward the teacher's desk.

She tried to lift me on the desk but I turned us around and lifted her on the desk. I kissed her neck and she grabbed me by the back of my beanie and crashed her lips to mine.

She still had a sense of dominance while she kissed me. The way her tongue glided across mine effortlessly. She moaned into my mouth when one on my hands slithered under her dress.

Her long slim fingers worked on the buttons on my flannel shirt.

"We don't have enough time for that." I whispered huskily as I stopped her from undoing my shirt.

"I'll make you cum fast, promise." She begged.

"Nope." I murmured agaisnt her soft skin.

"Belle," She moaned as I placed wet kisses all over her neck. I gripped her abdomen firmly as she pressed her body into mine.

I broke away from her as we heard the door slam shut. Standing at the door with folded arms and a smirk was no other than Leroy.

"Can I join?" He asked cockily.

And like a switch turned and Lee was no longer vulnerable and weak under my touch. She hopped off the table and smoothed out her dress before she glared at him. "Go get a life." She spat.

"Oh, you look absolutely stunning, Rylee." Leroy grinned.

"What do you want?" She spat. Leroy came towards us and Lee pulled me behind her protectively.

"You know what I want. I want you to come with me. I hope there's no complications." He said with a straight face.

I looked at Lee and her face was blank. "Go with him where?" I decided to ask.

"Oh you didn't tell her?" He raised an eyebrow. "You have some explaining to do." He winked at her and as he went to sit down, the bell rang.

"Tell me what? Where are you going?" I demanded.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." She said, while walking to the back of the class to sit down. More students came in.

"No, tell me." I insisted.

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